



















    多伦多大学(University of Toronto,简称U of T)是一所大型公立综合性全国大学,成立于1827年,位于加拿大东部城市多伦多,提供本科、硕士、博士、职业文凭、文凭课程五种学位类型。


    校训:Velut arbor ævo(英文:As a tree through the ages),中译:岁月流逝,吾校常青










































































    (1)U of T Scholarships,金额:新生为2200加元,老生4000加元,无需额外申请,自动随Offer发放;

    (2)Undergraduate Admission Awards,金额4000加元,无需额外申请


























    本文数据主要采自多伦多大学官网和College Board


    会计 Accounting
    精算 Actuarial Science
    非洲研究 African Studies
    美洲研究 American Studies
    动物心理学 Animal Physiology
    人类学 Anthropology
    应用数学 Applied Mathematics
    应用统计学 Applied Statistics
    考古学 Archaeology
    建筑研究 Architectural Studies
    艺术与艺术历史 Art and Art History (Joint program with sheridan College)
    艺术历史 Art History
    艺术历史与视觉文化 Art History and Visual Culture
    艺术管理 Arts Management
    天文学研究 Astronomical Sciences
    天文学 Astronomy
    天文学与天体物理 Astronomy and Astrophysics
    天文学与物理 Astronomy and Physics
    行为,遗传学神经生物学 Behaviour, Genetics and Neurobiology
    生物化学 Biochemistry
    生物多样性与保育生物学 Biodiversity and conservation Biology
    生物伦理学 Bioethics
    生物信息学 Bioinformatics
    生物信息学与计算生物学 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
    生物化学 Biological Chemistry
    生物物理 Biological Physics
    生物学 Biology
    生物卫生科学 Biology for Health Sciences
    生物医学物理 Biomedical Physics
    生物医学毒理学 Biomedical Toxicology
    生物技术 Biotechnology
    书籍与媒体研究 Book and Media Studies
    佛教研究 Buddhist Studies
    加拿大研究 Canadian Studies
    加勒比研究 Caribbean Studies
    细胞与分子生物学 Cell and Molecular Biology
    凯尔特研究 Celtic Studies
    化学工程 Chemical Engineering
    化学物理 Chemical Physics
    化学 Chemistry
    基督教与文化 Christianity and Culture
    电影研究 Cinema Studies
    城市研究 City Studies
    土木工程 Civil Engineering
    古典文明 Classical Civilization
    西洋古典学(希腊与拉丁) Classics (Greek and Latin)
    认知科学(文科) Cognitive Science (Arts)
    认知科学(科学) Cognitive Science (Science)
    贸易 Commerce
    沟通,文化,信息与技术 Communication, Culture, Information, and Technology
    比较生理学 Comparative Physiology
    计算机工程 Computer Engineering
    计算机科学 Computer Science
    生物多样性与保护 Conservation and Biodiversity
    当代亚洲研究项目 Contemporary Asian Studies Program (Dr. David Chu)
    犯罪学 Criminology
    犯罪学与社会法律研究 Criminology and Socio-Legal Studies
    捷克和斯洛伐克研究 Czech and Slovak Studies
    发育生物学 Developmental Biology
    流散文学与跨国研究 Diaspora and Transnational Studies
    数字化企业管理 Digital Enterprise Management
    戏剧 Drama
    地球学 Earth Science
    东亚研究 East Asian Studies
    生态学及进化论 Ecology and Evolution
    生态学和进化生物学 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
    经济学 Economics
    经济学与数学 Economics and Mathematics
    经济学与政治科学 Economics and Political Science
    经济管理研究 Economics for Management Studies
    教育学 Educaion
    电气工程 Electrical Engineering
    雇佣关系 Employment Relations
    工程科学 Engineering Science
    英语 English
    环境与健康 Environment and Health
    环境与毒理学 Environment and Toxicology
    环境生物学 Environmental Biology
    环境化学 Environmental Chemistry
    环境伦理学 Environmental Ethics
    环境地理学 Environmental Geography
    环境地球科学 Environmental Geoscience
    环境管理 Environmental Management
    环境物理 Environmental Physics
    环境科学 Environmental Science
    环境研究 Environmental Studies
    平等研究 Equity Studies
    伦理,社会与法律 Ethics, Society and Law
    欧洲研究 European Studies
    特殊人类学习 Exceptionality in Human Learning
    金融和经济金融经济学 Finance and Economics Financial Economics
    芬兰研究 Finnish Studies
    司法科学 Forensic Science
    森林生物材料科学 Forest Biomaterials Science
    森林保护(文科) Forest Conservation (Arts)
    森林保护(理科) Forest Conservation (Science)
    法国研究 French
    法国研究与意大利研究 French and Italian
    法语法语语言学 French Language and French Linguistics
    法语学与文学 French Language and Literature
    法语学 French Language Learning
    法语 French Studies
    普通物理 General Physics
    基因、遗传和生物技术 Genes, Genetics and Biotechnology
    基因生物学 Genome Biology
    地理信息系统 Geographical Information Systems
    地理 Geography
    地质学 Geology
    地球物理 Geophysics
    地球科学 Geoscience
    德语和乌克兰语 German and Ukrainian
    德语研究 German Studies
    全球亚洲研究 Global Asia Studies
    全球卫生 Global Health
    希腊语 Greek
    健康与疾病 Health and Disease
    卫生研究 Health Studies
    历史 History
    历史与科学哲学与技术 History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
    历史与政治科学 History and Political Science
    艺术史 History of Art
    宗教史 History of Religions
    人体生物学 Human Biology
    人文地理 Human Geography
    匈牙利的研究 Hungarian Studies
    免疫学 Immunology
    本土研究 Indigenous Studies
    工业工程 Industrial Engineering
    信息安全 Information Security
    整合生物学 Integrative Biology
    互动数码媒体 Interactive Digital Media
    国际事务 International Affairs
    国际发展研究 International Development Studies
    国际关系 International Relations
    伊斯兰研究 Islamic Studies
    意大利语 Italian
    犹太学 Jewish Studies
    新闻学 Journalism (Joint Program with Centennial College)
    运动机能学 Kinesiology
    语言教学和学习:法语与意大利语 Language Teaching and Learning: French and Italian
    矿业工程 Lassonde Mineral Engineering
    拉丁语 Latin
    拉丁美洲研究 Latin American Studies
    语言学 Linguistics
    文学研究 Literary Studies
    管理 Management
    管理与会计 Management and Accounting
    管理与金融 Management and Finance
    管理与人力资源 Management and Human Resources
    管理和信息技术 Management and Information Technology
    管理和国际商务 Management and International Business
    管理与市场营销 Management and Marketing
    材料工程 Materials Engineering
    材料科学 Materials Science
    经济学和金融学的数学应用 Mathematical Applications in Economics and Finance
    数学科学 Mathematical Sciences
    数学 Mathematics
    数学及其应用 Mathematics and its Applications
    数学与哲学 Mathematics and Philosophy
    数学与物理 Mathematics and Physics
    机械工程 Mechanical Engineering
    媒体研究 Media Studies
    中世纪研究 Mediaeval Studies
    医学放射科学 Medical Radiation Sciences
    心理健康研究 Mental Health Studies
    分子生物学 Molecular Biology
    分子生物学与生物技术 Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
    分子遗传学和非生物学 Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
    音乐 Music
    音乐(音乐系) Music (Faculty of Music)
    音乐与文化 Music and Culture
    音乐表演 Music in Performance
    音乐合奏 Music with Ensemble Option
    近东和中东文明 Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
    神经系统科学 Neuroscience
    新媒体研究 New Media Studies (Joint Program with Centennial College)
    护理 Nursing
    营养科学 Nutritional Sciences
    古生物学 Paleontology
    护理人员 Paramedicine (Joint Program with Centennial College)
    病理学 Pathobiology
    和平,冲突与正义 Peace, Conflict and Justice
    药物化学 Pharmaceutical Chemistry
    药物学 Pharmacology
    药理学和生物医学毒理学 Pharmacology and Biomedical Toxicology
    药剂学 Pharmacy
    哲学 Philosophy
    哲学与物理 Philosophy and Physics
    物理与环境地理学 Physical and Environmental Geography
    物理和人文地理 Physical and Human Geography
    物理与数学科学 Physical and Mathematical Sciences
    物理科学 Physical Sciences
    医师助理 Physician Assistant
    物理 Physics
    物理与天体物理学 Physics and Astrophysics
    生理学 Physiology
    行星科学 Planetary Science
    波兰语言与文学 Polish Language and Literature
    波兰研究 Polish Studies
    政治科学 Political Science
    葡萄牙语 Portuguese
    史前考古学 Prehistoric Archaeology
    专业写作和交流 Professional Writing and Communication
    语言心理学 Psycholinguistics
    心理学 Psychology
    心理学研究 Psychology Research
    公共政策 Public Policy
    宗教 Religion
    宗教:基督徒起源 Religion: Christian Origins
    文艺复兴研究 Renaissance Studies
    俄罗斯语言与文学 Russian Language and Literature
    性多样性研究 Sexual Diversity Studies
    社会学 Sociology
    南部斯拉夫研究 South Slavic Studies
    西班牙 Spanish
    统计学 Statistics
    统计与数学 Statistics and Mathematics
    战略管理 Strategic Management
    工作室 Studio
    合成和催化化学 Synthetic and Catalytic Chemistry
    戏院与表演研究 Theatre and Performance Studies
    戏院,戏剧与表演研究 Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies
    乌克兰语言与文学 Ukrainian Language and Literature
    城市研究 Urban Studies
    视觉文化与交流 Visual Culture and Communication
    视觉研究 Visual Studies
    女性与性别研究 Women and Gender Studies



    成人教育与社区发展文科硕士 Master of Arts in Adult Education and Community Development
    成人教育与社区发展硕士 Master of Education in Adult Education and Community Development
    成人教育与社区发展博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Adult Education and Community Development
    空军航空科学与工程应用科学硕士 Master of Applied Science in Aerospace Science and Engineering
    空军航空科学与工程硕士 Master of Engineering in Aerospace Science and Engineering
    空军航空科学与工程博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Aerospace Science and Engineering
    人类学文科硕士 Master of Arts in Anthropology
    人类学理科硕士 Master of Science in Anthropology
    人类学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology
    应用计算机理科硕士 Master of Science in Applied Computing
    建筑学硕士 Master of Architecture
    天文学与天体物理学理科硕士 Master of Science in Astronomy and Astrophysics
    天文学与天体物理学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Astronomy and Astrophysics
    生物化学理科硕士 Master of Science in Biochemistry
    生物化学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry
    生物伦理学健康科学硕士 Master of Health Science in Bioethics
    生物医学通讯理科硕士 Master of Science in Biomedical Communications
    生物医学工程应用科学硕士 Master of Applied Science in Biomedical Engineering
    生物医学工程硕士 Master of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering
    生物医学工程博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering
    生物技术硕士 Master of Biotechnology
    细胞与系统生物学理科硕士 Master of Science in Cell and Systems Biology
    细胞与系统生物学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Cell and Systems Biology
    化学工程与应用化学理科硕士 Master of Applied Science in Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
    化学工程与应用化学工程硕士 Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
    化学工程与应用化学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
    化学理科硕士 Master of Science in Chemistry
    化学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
    儿童研究与教育文科硕士 Master of Arts (Professional) in Child Study and Education
    电影研究文科硕士 Master of Arts in Cinema Studies
    电影研究博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Cinema Studies
    城市工程与管理工程硕士 Master of Engineering in Cities Engineering and Management
    土木工程应用科学硕士 Master of Applied Science in Civil Engineering
    土木工程硕士 Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering
    土木工程博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering
    古典文学文科硕士 Master of Arts in Classics
    古典文学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Classics
    临床工程健康科学硕士 Master of Health Science in Clinical Engineering
    社区健康理科硕士 Master of Science in Community Health
    比较文学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Literature
    比较文学文科硕士 Master of Arts in Comparative Literature
    计算机科学理科硕士 Master of Science in Computer Science
    计算机科学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
    咨询与临床心理学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Counselling and Clinical Psychology
    咨询与临床心理学文科硕士 Master of Arts in Counselling and Clinical Psychology
    辅导心理学教育学博士 Doctor of Education in Counselling Psychology
    辅导心理学教育学硕士 Master of Education in Counselling Psychology
    犯罪学文科硕士 Master of Arts in Criminology
    犯罪学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Criminology
    课程研究与教师发展文科硕士 Master of Arts in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development
    课程研究与教师发展教育学硕士 Master of Education in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development
    课程研究与教师发展博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development
    牙科学理科硕士 Master of Science in Dentistry
    牙科学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Dentistry
    牙科手术博士 Doctor of Dental Surgery Program in Dentistry
    发展心理学和教育文科硕士 Master of Arts in Developmental Psychology and Education
    发展心理学和教育学硕士 Master of Education in Developmental Psychology and Education
    发展心理学和教育博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Developmental Psychology and Education
    戏剧博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Drama
    戏剧文科硕士 Master of Arts in Drama
    东亚研究博士 Doctor of Philosophy in East Asian Studies
    东亚研究文科硕士 Master of Arts in East Asian Studies
    生态与进化生物学理科硕士 Master of Science in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
    生态与进化生物学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
    经济学文科硕士 Master of Arts in Economics
    经济学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
    教育领导与政策教育学博士 Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy
    教育领导与政策文科硕士 Master of Arts in Educational Leadership and Policy
    教育领导与政策教育学硕士 Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy
    教育领导与政策博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Policy
    电气与计算机工程应用科学硕士 Master of Applied Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
    电气与计算机工程硕士 Master of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering
    电气与计算机工程博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering
    英语博士 Doctor of Philosophy in English
    英语文科硕士 Master of Arts in English
    环境科学硕士 Master of Environmental Science
    环境科学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science
    欧洲与俄罗斯事务文科硕士 Master of Arts in European and Russian Affairs
    运动科学理科硕士 Master of Science in Exercise Sciences
    运动科学笔试 Doctor of Philosophy in Exercise Sciences
    金融硕士 Master of Finance
    金融经济学硕士 Master of Financial Economics
    金融保险硕士 Master of Financial Insurance
    金融风险管理硕士 Master of Financial Risk Management
    法务会计硕士 Master of Forensic Accounting
    森林保护硕士 Master of Forest Conservation
    林业理科硕士 Master of Science in Forestry
    林业博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry
    法国语言与文学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in French Language and Literature
    法国语言与文学文科硕士 Master of Arts in French Language and Literature
    遗传咨询理科硕士 Master of Science in Genetic Counseling
    地理文科硕士 Master of Arts in Geography
    地理理科硕士 Master of Science in Geography
    地理博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Geography
    地质学应用科学硕士 Master of Applied Science in Geology
    地质学理科硕士 Master of Science in Geology
    地质学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Geology
    德国文学,文化与理论博士 Doctor of Philosophy in German Literature, Culture and Theory
    德国语言与文学文科硕士 Master of Arts in Germanic Languages and Literatures
    全球事务硕士 Master of Global Affairs
    全球职业法律硕士 Global Professional Master of Laws
    卫生行政健康科学硕士 Master of Health Science in Health Administration
    健康信息学硕士 Master of Health Informatics
    卫生政策、管理和评估理科硕士 Master of Science in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
    卫生政策、管理和评估博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
    高等教育 教育学博士 Doctor of Education in Higher Education
    高等教育文科硕士 Master of Arts in Higher Education
    高等教育硕士 Master of Education in Higher Education
    高等教育博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education
    历史博士 Doctor of Philosophy in History
    历史文科硕士 Master of Arts in History
    历史与科学哲学与技术博士 Doctor of Philosophy in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
    历史与科学哲学与技术文科硕士 Master of Arts in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
    艺术史博士 Doctor of Philosophy in History of Art
    艺术史文科硕士 Master of Arts in History of Art
    免疫学理科硕士 Master of Science in Immunology
    免疫学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Immunology
    劳资关系与人类资源硕士 Master of Industrial Relations and Human Resources
    劳资关系与人类资源博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
    信息硕士 Master of Information
    信息研究博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Information Studies
    意大利研究文科硕士 Master of Arts in Italian Studies
    意大利研究博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Italian Studies
    实验医学与病理生物学理科硕士 Master of Science in Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
    实验医学与病理生物学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
    园林建筑学硕士 Master of Landscape Architecture
    语言与文化教育文科硕士 Master of Arts in Language and Literacies Education
    语言与文化教育 教育学硕士 Master of Education in Language and Literacies Education
    语言与文化教育博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Language and Literacies Education
    法学硕士 Master of Law
    法学研究硕士 Master of Studies in Law
    司法学博士 Doctor of Juridical Science in Law
    法学博士 Law - Juris Doctor Program
    语言学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics
    语言学文科硕士 Master of Arts in Linguistics
    工商管理全球行政硕士 Omnium Global Executive Master of Business Administration in Management
    工商管理硕士 Master of Business Administration in Management
    管理博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Management
    高级工商管理硕士-管理专业 Executive Master of Business Administration in Management
    管理与职业会计硕士 Master of Management and Professional Accounting
    创新管理硕士 Master of Management of Innovation
    材料科学与工程应用科学硕士 Master of Applied Science in Materials Science and Engineering
    材料科学与工程硕士 Master of Engineering in Materials Science and Engineering
    材料科学与工程博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science and Engineering
    数学金融学硕士 Master of Mathematical Finance
    数学理科硕士 Master of Science in Mathematics
    数学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics
    机械与工业工程应用科学硕士 Master of Applied Science in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
    机械与工业工程硕士 Master of Engineering in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
    机械与工业工程博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
    医学生物物理学理科硕士 Master of Science in Medical Biophysics
    医学生物物理学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Biophysics
    药物基因组学健康科学硕士 Master of Health Science in Medical Genomics
    医学放射科学健康科学硕士 Master of Health Science in Medical Radiation Sciences
    医学科学理科硕士 Master of Science in Medical Science
    医学科学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science
    医学博士项目 Doctor of Medicine Program
    中世纪研究文科硕士 Master of Arts in Medieval Studies
    中世纪研究博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Medieval Studies
    分子遗传学理科硕士 Master of Science in Molecular Genetics
    分子遗传学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular Genetics
    博物馆研究硕士 Master of Museum Studies
    音乐文科硕士 Master of Arts in Music
    音乐博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Music
    音乐表演音乐艺术博士 Doctor of Musical Arts in Music Performance
    音乐表演音乐硕士 Master of Music in Music Performance
    近东和中东文明硕士 Master of Arts in Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
    近东和中东文明博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
    护理科学护理学硕士 Master of Nursing in Nursing Science
    护理科学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Science
    营养科学理科硕士 Master of Science in Nutritional Sciences
    营养科学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Nutritional Sciences
    职业疗法理科硕士 Master of Science in Occupational Therapy
    药物科学理科硕士 Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences
    药物科学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences
    药物学理科硕士 Master of Science in Pharmacology
    药物学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacology
    药剂学博士项目 Doctor of Pharmacy Program
    哲学文科硕士 Master of Arts in Philosophy
    哲学博士 Doctor of Philosophy
    物理治疗法理科硕士 Master of Science in Physical Therapy
    物理理科硕士 Master of Science in Physics
    物理博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Physics
    生理学理科硕士 Master of Science in Physiology
    生理学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Physiology
    策划理科硕士 Master of Science in Planning
    策划博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Planning
    政治学文科硕士 Master of Arts in Political Science
    政治学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science
    运动机能学专业硕士 Master of Professional Kinesiology
    心理学文科硕士 Master of Arts in Psychology
    心理学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology
    公共健康科学公共健康硕士 Master of Public Health in Public Health Sciences
    公共健康科学理科硕士 Master of Science in Public Health Sciences
    公共健康科学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health Sciences
    公共政策硕士 Master of Public Policy
    康复学理科硕士 Master of Science in Rehabilitation Science
    康复学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Science
    学校和临床儿童心理学文科硕士 Master of Arts in School and Clinical Child Psychology
    学校和临床儿童心理学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in School and Clinical Child Psychology
    斯拉夫语言与文学硕士 Master of Arts in Slavic Languages and Literatures
    斯拉夫语言与文学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Slavic Languages and Literatures
    社会正义教育学博士 Doctor of Education in Social Justice Education
    社会正义教育文科硕士 Master of Arts in Social Justice Education
    社会正义教育硕士 Master of Education in Social Justice Education
    社会正义教育博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Social Justice Education
    社会工作硕士 Master of Social Work
    社会工作博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work
    社会学文科硕士 Master of Arts in Sociology
    社会学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology
    西班牙语文科硕士 Master of Arts in Spanish
    西班牙语博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Spanish
    言语病理学健康科学硕士 Master of Health Science in Speech-Language Pathology
    言语病理学理科硕士 Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology
    言语病理学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Speech-Language Pathology
    统计学理科硕士 Master of Science in Statistics
    统计学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics
    可持续性管理理科硕士 Master of Science in Sustainability Management
    教学硕士 Master of Teaching
    宗教学文科硕士 Master of Arts in The Study of Religion
    宗教学博士 Doctor of Philosophy in The Study of Religion
    神学研究文科硕士 Master of Arts in Theological Studies
    神学研究博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Theological Studies
    神学研究硕士课程 Master of Theological Studies Program
    神学硕士 Master of Theology
    健康科学转化型研究健康科学硕士 Master of Health Science in Translational Research in the Health Sciences
    城市规划硕士 Master of Urban Design
    视觉研究硕士 Master of Visual Studies
    妇女与性别研究文科硕士 Master of Arts in Women and Gender Studies
    妇女与性别研究博士 Doctor of Philosophy in Women and Gender Studies
