

    1.学生背景:710 102 3.79 985/211 比赛项目若干+一段实习 面试时间:2019年1月16日

    【申请专业:商业分析】 Marija Ginic

    1 introduce yourself


    2 why ivey[focus on ivey](一定要详细的想一下这个项目和你自己的契合点,有追问)


    3 talk about leadership in your own words

    4 talk about an own experience to be a leader in a project, detailed in describing how you connect with team members

    5 tell me your experience that you have conflict within groups

    6 如果小组有人什么都不干活,作为leader该怎么办

    7 自己面对突然改变的project scope或者trend怎么应对[story with theory]

    8 自己有一个creative的idea,怎么得到组员的支持,怎么implement[GMC]

    9 你觉得能从global lab学到什么

    10  which company do you want to go after graduation

    11 tell me about an experience that you have to gain support from others.

    12 please tell me your experience in XXX company,遇到过什么困难,学会了什么

    13 please tell me your experience that you have to convince others

    14 tell me your experience that you have conflict out of your groups

    15 please tell me your favorite newest business news[important][prepare more]

    16 tell me your most success project you have in your experience. and the difficulities you overcome

    17 tell me your most creative experience

    18 if you get the offer, what kind of preparation you will do.

    19 你能给program带来什么贡献 & 你想从program里获得什么好处?

    20 在自己的经历中有没有什么觉得失败的地方?

    21 If you could go back, would you change anything?(不要说什么没有,说没有也会被继续问)

    22 描述一个你自己做的挺满意的,但是feedback不好的经历

    2.学生背景:985/211 金融本 85/100 104 326 五段实习(券商/四大/数据处理 美赛 各种校内外活动 面试时间:2019年2月19日

    【申请专业:商业分析】 Marija Ginic

    FirstPart(fit and motivation)
    1. self-introduction 
    2. why IVEY and why BA
    3. career goal: short term & long term,what target companies you want to go duringinternship and after graduation

    4.interestin business world (这个之前没准备,一脸懵逼)

    5.businessnews site & interested news

    Second Part(Behavior):
    1. once you spot an opportunity and madepositive change, what did you do to convince
    2. once you took negative feedback but you feltyou are right
    3. once you handled a project with ambiguity(limited information) how did you handle
    5. once you took risks 
    6. once you take challenging project
    7. Flaw / weakness

    8.unfamiliar field, what preparations

    9.have a conflict with others

    3.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月11日


    1.Who are some of the leaders you most admire? Why?
    2.What will your classmates find challenging about you?
    3.What parts of your life are you most disciplined in? Why du you thinkthat is?

    4.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年5月5日


    1.tell me abot the most difficult course you learn in undergraduat studies,and explain a theory you learn in this course in simple words.
    2.tell me about a programming language or tool you know,and give an example of how you use it.
    3.tell me about the most quantitive course you learn.
    4.how to use BA to develop specific industry
    5.which industry do you think is most in need of a better ultilizing of data,and why
    6.tell me about an analysis experience you have
    7.How do you deal with unclear instructions.
    8.once you disagree with your boss although your boss is a visionary person,how do you deal with such situation?
    9.your boss is a big-picture person,you provide a recommendation to him according to a couple of weeks data,but he think it is not convincing,how to persuade him.
    10.usually,numbers and people convey different information,how to reach a balance?
    11,what is the most important information to know if a company want to launch a new breakfast cereal?which group of people will you choose to market and why?
    12.if a company want to cut off a program that cannot bring any profit,but thousands of workers might lose their jobs,what recommendation will you give to your boss about the potential risk?

    5.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年12月11日



    Why are you applying to the Ivey MSc in Management Program?


    Imagine that you work for consumer packaged goods firm that sells a variety of products all over the world. Your boss has approached you to assist them with the launch of a new line of breakfast cereal. What pieces of data do you feel would be vital to determine how best to launch this new product and who to market it to?



    If you were able to choose, which company would you most like to work for during the 10-week Ivey Analytics Lab? Why?

    6.学生背景:美本top50 大学,会计和物流专业,有美国本地实习经验,有一个BA 方向的项目实习。托福waive,gpa3.5,gmat 650+ 面试时间:2017年11月29日

    【申请专业:商业分析】    50分钟

    1. 自我介绍 
    2. why msc and why ivey (里面包括各种追问,楼主blalalala说了一堆结果面试官觉得楼主说的都是western的好不是ivey的,我内心很无奈)
    3. which company do you want to go after graduation 所以说面试之前要把自己的essay和申请文书都过一遍
    4. tell me about an experience that you have to gain support from others. 
    5. please tell me your experience in XXX company(我自己的经历,请把自己每段经历能说的都想一遍)
    6. please tell me your experience that you have to convince others(我一直觉得这个问题跟第4个问题是重复的,一度觉得自己回答错了)
    7. tell me your experience that you have conflice within groups 
    8. tell me your experience that you have conflice out of your groups (这个是第7个问题的追问,但是问的很详细,这个问题差点把我问懵了。想了几秒钟说了一句我没有这个经历。。。。。)
    9. please tell me your weakness(老生常谈的问题,提前准备好回答)
    10. please tell me your favorite newest business news. 
    11. tell me your most success project you have in your experience. and the difficulites you overcome
    12. tell me your most creative experience. 
    13. if you get the offer, what kind of preparation you will do. (这个问题问的也是让我很懵),并且追问了什么soft preparation(我确定此题答跑题)。。
    14. Q&A

    7.学生背景:985/211 面试时间:2019年1月23日


    详细背景:985/211 会计GPA 87/100  7(6)  690; 实习四段其中一段是在某管理咨询公司数字化方向做了11个月(截至目前);商赛/创新创业比赛 全国奖两个 省市级若干;校内某校级学生组织负责人负责创新创业;省市级奖学金*1 校级奖学金*1

    1. 请自我介绍一下
    2. 请介绍一段简历上没有的的经历
    3. Why BA(我作死问了一句要不要解释我为啥想去Ivey学BA,面试官说Sure,于是我从reputation 到案例教学和analytics lab以及案例比赛从头到尾把Ivey夸了一遍)
    4. 既然你提到了analytics lab,你对这个lab了解多少呢?介绍一下?(自作孽不可活)(我介绍完面试官又给我补充介绍了一下lab的信息,说这个在项目过程中还会有面试的啥啥的)
    6. 获取商业新闻的途径和最近印象深刻的一条新闻(讲了一下OFO)
    1. 在信息有限的情况下做一件事的经历(追问了你觉得有限的信息带给你的challenge是什么)
    2. 承担risk做一件事的经历
    3. 你自我感觉良好但是别人反馈并不好的经历
    4. 在团队中你提出了新想法并说服团队成员接受你的想法的的经历,以及如何说服的
    5. 团队中有人不配合的经历以及你做了什么让他们配合
    6. 分享你完成了一件比较有挑战的事情的经历(lz说了一件团队合作的事,面试官追问说你说了很多团队做的事,你在其中的角色和工作是什么呢?


    8.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2016年4月21日


    1. 自我介绍
    2. why ivey & why msc(一定要详细的想一下这个项目和你自己的契合点,有追问)
    3. 你能给program带来什么贡献 & 你想从program里获得什么好处?
    4. career goal(以后怎么规划自己,在哪个国家,做什么行业,去哪个公司,有追问)
    5. Can you tell me about a time when you were working in a team and had to gain support for your idea.
    6. 在teamwork中有没有需要你去劝说一个同伴的经历,具体经历以及最后的结果是什么?
    7. 在自己的经历中有没有什么觉得失败的地方?
    8. Can you describe the most successful project that you have worked on? What did you learn from this experience?
    9. 描述一次你觉得自己非常creative的事例
    10. 讲一下你印象最深刻的一次实习经历,遇到过什么困难,学会了什么?
    11. Latest business news.以及你的看法
    12. If you could go back, would you change anything?(不要说什么没有,说没有也会被继续问,别问我怎么知道的)
    13. 对面试官提问

    9.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年1月13日



    1. 讲一个大学期间最难的课和这个课学到的最难的一个theory/principle 然后用简单的语句描述它
    2. 公司有一个最老的product line已经不能盈利 你的boss想砍掉它 对于这件事存在的风险你有什么建议给你的boss

    第二个面试我是约的in person的 不能全部记清楚 我这里写下我记得的题目
    - 自我介绍
    - 根据简历提问题
    - 为什么要选ivey的msc 这个program的哪一个最促使你选择它
    - short term and long term career goals 
    - 最近看到的让你记忆深刻的news headline
    - 你需要gain support from others的经历
    - 你的组员跟你想法不一样然后你成功说服他们的经历
    - 组员不contribute 你如何解决的经历
    - 你觉得你做对了某件事但是feedback不好的经历
    - a risk you once took that led to bigger achievement
    - 根据最近自己的表现 有没有flaw/weakness 怎么改善
    - 在分析数据时 有没有发现trend/relationship的经历 how to present it to others
    - 你在做一个project的时候需要shift your focus的经历
    - 你会做哪些准备 为这个program

    10.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月6日   已录



    你在ivey analytics lab里面想去什么公司

    11.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年4月3日   已录


    1. what industry you think is most needed for data utilizing and why?
    2. You boss need to cut the oldest product line in the company, but hundreds of employees will lose job. Your recoommedation on this.
    3. (Writen) Which company you want to go in the 10-week summer lab?

    12.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年1月31日   已录


    1. the most in need industry of business analytics?and why?
    问的是你认为那个行业最需要business analytics。

    2. your boss is a “big picture“ person. You provided him a recommendation according to a couple of weeks data, but he thinks your suggestion is not convincing. How do you persuade him?


    13.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年6月4日   


    1. why this program?
    2. 你的weakness?
    3. long-term goal?(因为之前的回答涉及过short-term goal 所以没有问到)
    4. 你收到过的negative feedback,but you think you were right?
    5. your teammate not contribute enough effort, how did handle it?
    6. tell you experience that you have to convince others ?
    7. 完成一件事情在信息不足的情况下
    8. 怎样让自己保持和这个商业世界的联系?
    9. 讲一个经历关于接到一个你认为不可能完成的事情,how did you do with it?


    1.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年12月6日

    【申请专业:数据分析   Msc Data Analytics】kira

    1. 为什么申请ivey的msc?

    written: 对于analytics lab, 你想去哪一家公司?为什么?


    Fri Jun 14 11:55:18 CST 2019