

    1.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年3月8号


    1.毕业第一年会是怎样的  有什么想去的公司
    2.你的家乡每天大概有多少饮料的垃圾  塑料的有多少 瓶装的有多少  你的假设是怎么来的  再给三个你认为可以拿到准确数据的途径(这题感觉没有organize好 太紧张了 只有2min)
    3.写封信给学校  关于rady school的问题有哪些

    2.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年2月19号


    video 第一题是固定的 和MSBA的第一题一样 

    prep: 45s  respond: 90s

    What does the year look like after you graduate from your Master's program here at the Rady School of Management in terms of your career?  What companies, functions, jobs, or industries interest you the most?

    What do you intend to do with your Master Degree from the Rady School of Management?Are there certain positions, industries, or companies that interest you?

    What are your short-term career goals, and what do you plan to do upon graduation here at Rady School of Management? What companies, functions, jobs, or industries interest you the most?


    然后划重点 video第二题 
    prep: 2min respond: 2 min
    大家一定要看market sizing的题!!!我想着msf不是business analysis,就没好好准备555 就着重看了programming 和model analytics的题,结果发现并不是!!!
    1. How many keys do you think are owned by people in your country? How many of these keys are used on a daily basis? As you come up with the answer to this question, please share with us your assumptions. Also, please share the three pieces of information you would need to know to get a much more accurate answer?
    3.你的hometown有多少gas station?又有多少electronic charging station?提出你的assumption,哪三个信息能让你更准确的估计?
    4.你的hometown有多少light bulb?早上十一点时大概有多少是开着的?assumption,哪三个信息可以使估计更准确。
    5.问此时此刻有多少飞机正在天空中飞?As you come up with the answer to this question, please share with us your assumptions. Also, please share the three pieces of information you would need to know to get a much more accurate answer?(lz准备了前四道 结果跪在这道题上。。。)

    第三题 writing 10min
    It’s important to be able to describe complex ideas in simple terms. Think about a complex problem you worked on recently. Please write an email describing this problem to an acquaintance who doesn’t have a technical or quantitative background. Be sure to describe the original issue and goal, your approach, the tools used, the solution and/or outcome, and what you learned.
    Rady School的一位alumni很愿意用开咖啡茶话会的方式跟学生探讨将来找工作的事,并为在校生提供工作机会等等。请你写一封邮件,跟这位alumni约一次after lunch coffee meeting... 大致是这个意思

    然后msf的kira就结束了 MSBA的video好像有四道 后两道也是固定的 贴出来 方便大家准备:
    video 3.
    Share with me the most complex programming that you've done to solve a situation. What program was used? How did you use it, and why did you choose that? Is that the programming language that you prefer? Please share any details with us about your abilities in programming so that we understand your abilities and what you will bring into this class.

    To what extent do you use programming? How often do you use it-on a daily basis, at work, at home or in school? Please share with us how you are using programming languages, where you have learnt it, what applications you prefer, and how you expect to use that in your future.

    video 4.
    Please share with us a project that you are completed either in school, your personal life, or at work that use analytics. 

    What did you use:statistics, probability, or regression? What problem was being solved, and how did you solve it?

    3.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年3月27号


    Q1 prepare 45s & respond 90s

    What does the year look like after you graduate from your Master'sprogram here at the Rady School of Management in terms of your career?  What companies, functions, jobs, orindustries interest you the most?

    Q2 prepare 2min & respond 2min
    How many keys do you think are owned by people in your country? How manyof these keys are used on a daily basis? As you come up with the answer to thisquestion, please share with us your assumptions. Also, please share the threepieces of information you would need to know to get a much more accurate answer?

    Q3 respond 10min

    The decision to join the Rady MFin program is one that will forever become a part of your identity as a future alumnus of the School. Our graduates are great recruiters because they have been through the MFin program and know what it takes to be successful. Imagine that you are a Rady alumus, and write an email to the Admissions team recommending a colleague or friend to the MFin program.

    4.学生背景:top5金融本;GPA:3.86;T:107;G:700 面试时间:2018年3月27号   已录


    Q1:常规short-term career goal (45s; 90s)
           What are your short-term career goals, and what do you plan to do upon graduation here at Rady School of Management? What companies, functions, jobs, or industries interest you the most?
    Q2:Please tell me how you would determine the number of light bulbs used in your hometown. How would you come to this number, and how many of them are on any given day at 11:00am? How did you come up with this number? Please share all of your assumptions so we can understand how you came to this answer. Furthermore, what three things would you need to know to come up with a more accurate answer?(2min; 2min)
    Q3:假设你是一名校友,给你的同事或者朋友写一封推荐信(在之前的面经了好像木有看到过……(10 min)

    5.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年3月26号   


    Q1:what do you intend to do with the Master degree of Finance from Rady school of management? What function, company or position do you have most interest in?
    Q2:How many gas stations are needed to fill all of the cars in your hometown, and how many of them are electric station needed for electric cars? What 3 pieces of information do you need to make your answer more accurate?

    6.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年3月7号   


    rady的学生都要跟老师多make connections.请写一封邮件给你一个professor,请求见一面讨论一个course related problem

    7.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年3月11号   


    Q1:What do you intend to do with your Master Degree from the Rady School of Management?Are there certain positions, industries, or companies that interest you?

    8.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年3月13号   

    1.What are your short-term career goals, and what do you plan to do upon graduation here at Rady School of Management? What companies, functions, jobs, or industries interest you the most?
    2.问此时此刻有多少飞机正在天空中飞?As you come up with the answer to this question, please share with us your assumptions. Also, please share the three pieces of information you would need to know to get a much more accurate answer?

    9.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年2月22号   已录


    1、short-term career goal? What companies, functions, jobs or industries interest you most?

    2、此时此刻有多少飞机在天上飞?Asyou come up with the answer to this question, please share with us yourassumptions. Also, please share the three pieces of information you would needto know to get a much more accurate answer 要求详细叙述自己思路。这道题答案的数字并不重要,关键看思路

    3、写作:Rady Alumni都很热心帮助在校学生。请给rady的校友写email,约出来喝咖啡,寻求职业帮助

    10.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年2月26号   已录


    Q1: What are your short-term career goals, and what do you plan to do upon graduation here at Rady School of Management? What companies,functions, jobs, or industries interest you the most?
    Q2: (light bulb那道)你的hometown有多少light bulb?早上11点有多少是开着的?你的assumption有哪些?哪三个信息可以使结果更准确?
    Q3: (Writing:因为不小心断网了,所以打了两遍,遇到了两道题)①Rady School的alumni很愿意以咖啡茶话会的形式帮助在校生,给一位你之前没有联系过的alumni写邮件,跟他约一次coffee meeting。②在Rady School社交很重要,给一位你上星期刚认识的、有共同爱好的新朋友写邮件,约他一起出来参加社交活动。

    11.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年2月22号  


    Q1 What are your short-term career goals, and what do you planto do upon graduation here at Rady School of Management? What companies,functions, jobs, or industries interest you the most?

    Q2 estimate number of gas station in hometown

    Q3 (Writing) 假如你是校友,给admission team写封邮件推荐一个同事或朋友到MFin program

    12.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年2月12号   已录


    • 1.What are your short-term career goals, and what do you plan to do upon graduation here at Rady School of Management? What companies, functions, jobs, or industries interest you the most?
    • 2.(飞机那道) How many airplanes are in the air right now? Explain your assumptions 然后哪三个信息能更准确的估计
    • 3.Write an email to a recent graduate...然后提问你想知道的问题

    13.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年5月15号  


    1.What does the year look like after you graduate from your Master's program here at the Rady School of Management in terms of your career?  What companies, functions, jobs, or industries interest you the most?
    2. How many keys do you think are owned by people in your country? How many of these keys are used on a daily basis? As you come up with the answer to this question, please share with us your assumptions. Also, please share the three pieces of information you would need to know to get a much more accurate answer?
    3. Rady School的一位alumni很愿意用开咖啡茶话会的方式跟学生探讨将来找工作的事,并为在校生提供工作机会等等。请你写一封邮件,跟这位alumnus约一次brief meeting over coffee.

    14.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年4月12号  


    1. 本科期间哪些方面让你觉得最有挑战
    2. 你希望通过UCSD MSF来提高自己哪方面的能力
    3. 具体谈一下实习期间的工作内容和收获
    4. 具体谈一下3到5年内的职业规划,打算在哪个国家/城市就业
    5. 你觉得UCSD MSF如何能帮助你实现你的职业目标(和第2问有点像)
    6. 是否打算在MSF期间寻找Internship (面试官的建议是课程比较quant,难度较高,heavy course load,希望以课程为主)
    7. 除了UCSD,你还申请了什么学校
    8. 你还有什么问题

    15.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年4月14号  

    【申请专业:金融】Madriqueka Koppe

    1. talk about your undergraduate background
    2. what's your current job and what are your responsibilities?
    3. talk about one internship and what you have learned from it
    4. what are the differences between Chinese culture and US culture
    5.What will be the challenge in Grad school
    6. talk about some programming tools you have used.(specific project and steps)

    16.学生背景:国外本 wes3.21 gmat不到700 实习一段 工作一段 面试时间:2017年3月29号  

    【申请专业:金融】Madriqueka Koppe

    1. education background,为什么本科学校、为什么本科读finance啥的  然后就balabala这个项目quantitative还有programming 楼主就针对成绩单里的数学、统计、电脑成绩 跟她疯狂聊疯狂展开
    2. 问application里的那些tools都用过啥 做过啥project (她说的是any tools,所以感觉其实对programming要求不会太高)
    3. 工作的情况 具体干些什么
    4. 为什么现在要读finance
    5. 职业规划
    6. 你对rady都了解哪些
    7. 如果你被录取了 你觉得会有哪些challenge (有点方,因为这是我准备的Q&A问她的问题)
    8. 还申请了什么学校 哪些有结果了 (这里有小细节, 因为GPA不高 所以楼主英国学校全都悲剧了 然后我又开始疯狂吐槽英国学校的刻板 koppe说rady有自己的evaluation system 感觉我的GPA已经是他们的底线了) 
    9. 除了在这上学 你还准备在这干点啥
    10. 其他好像就没啥了


    Fri Jun 14 13:56:53 CST 2019