

    1. 申请专业:Computer Vision;学生背景:复旦大学本科,EE;面试时间:2011年2月



    M:Sorry I forgot the time difference(美国自己的时差,这就是在西部的悲剧)…

    P:That’s OK. You are going to apply for 2011 PHD, computer vision, right?


    P:So now you are working with **. For How long? Will you be with him for a year?

    M:No… just one quarter.

    P:So tell me about your current project. It is about** right?


    P:And I notice you have done other interesting projects before working with **. Tell me about that.

    M:blabla…(省略对话3分钟). So I think what I have done before and doing now is well suit for your group.

    P:Yes. So do you get a bachelor degree? Or a master?

    M:(汗…)No. I’ll graduate in 2011. I’m an undergraduate.

    P:Ok. Do you have any questions for me?

    M:Yes. I notice your group is doing something like **. What’s the relationship between ** and computer vision?

    P:blabla…(其中我很汗的是以为他们还做什么DNA的sequence analysis,然后他告诉我不是的…)

    M:Ok. So what does your current research focus on?


    M:Great. So do you think my background is suit for your group?

    P:是的,我就是为了考察你的background是不是适合我的组。你学过linear algebra 和 Probability 吗? 对了,你是EE还是CS?


    P:So I'll tell you about the admission process…(blabla 3分钟), Do you want the financial support?

    M:Yes. So what’s the requirements for the financial support?

    P:blabla(1,2,3,4…)大意就是综合考虑,你的背景match不match课程成绩Publicaion, GT(虽然不怎么重视),还有就是极其重视推荐信。So you will get recommendation letter from XXX?


    P:Do you mind me contacting with him? We are very familiar with each other.

    M:(心想赶快找导师说说,说点我的好话)Ok, Feel free to contact with him.

    P:So how many other programs will you apply? Will you apply for ** also?

    M:(心想我连选校名单还没最终确定…)Yes. But I’m not sure about whether I can get the admission from **. So I will apply other 10 or more programs.

    P:OK. When will you send the materials?

    M:(我狂汗,寄材料的事情现在还不在我的考虑之内…)So do you want to see my materials like G/T, PS,CV,transcrips?

    P:No, no. Please send your photocopy of transcripts to me…besides to the admission office.大意就是如果等到deadline时候他就没时间看那么仔细了。


    P:Any other questions?

    M:No. nice talking with you!

    P:Yeah, so we get familiar with each other. Feel free to E-mail me if you have any further questions about anything.

    然后就是再见了。第一个电话面试,bless 自己,bless大家!



    Mon Jun 27 09:32:20 CST 2016