

    1. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2013年12月6日



    1. Describe CAPM to those who have never heard about it.

    2. Describe major courses taught in NJU?

    3. What is systematic and unsystematic risk?

    4. Why is derivative market developing so fast? what instruments do they contain?

    5. Have u been taught courses on fixed-income?

    6. Talk some methods on firm valuation.

    7. What is ur future plan, PhD or go to industry?

    8. Why do u choose Oxford?


    1 切尔西是不是伦敦最受欢迎的球队?回答说:不知道!

    2 有没有Scholarship?回答说:very few!


    2. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2014年11月12日

    申请专业:MFE面试官叫Tim Jenkinson,他的背景我看过m遍了,cam本科,upenn硕士,ox博士,之后在ox econ一干就是快15年,之后转到said business school研究private equity,现在是牛津一个咨询公司的高层。因为算是搞corporate finance的,我就没准备数学和定价方面的东西,而且估计在industry干的肯定学术起不会太浓。


    令我诧异的是,第一个问题居然是问我有关高考的,他说你的背景很impressive,2 out of 3 L8 W9 ?6 A: r100,000,我一愣才反应过来他说的是那陈谷子烂芝麻的事情。之后谦虚了一下,然后介绍了一下我们省是先报志愿后考,也有省份是先考后报志愿,blablabla。估计他也没怎么把我的资料好好研究,从简历第一行开始问。他可能觉得我英语不错,看他神情还跟刚才差不多。



    之后居然把我的研究经历那部分跳过去了,直接问实习,当时我有点紧张,脑子里赶紧想我实习都做过什么。第一个实习就在一个小证券公司做的,除了技术分析的一些方法也没学到什么,说实话。我就说当时我的schedule比较tight,因为马上要去新加坡,但是了解到中国股市的投资者不是很理性啊,机构的投资也不是很成熟啊,之类的。趁机欺负了一下他不是搞定价和投资的,我就说了些trend analysis,MACD,OBV之类的术语,从申请上看他觉得很shock。


    我以为这下子该问我做过的SRT(Student Research Training)了吧,好歹我在PS里写了那么多字呢,结果没问,失望,还得继续随机应变。感觉这次面试,实习是挺重要的加分一环。好的实习不好找,像投行、外资银行、咨询等网申很激烈,另外也可以通过内推,找投行金融亲友、校友、海途内推网等内推实习。成功率高。

    他说你还在student union做vice president?我说啊对,我们院有n个vice president我是管体育的,blablabla,顺便吹了一下我体育还比较强,他又觉得很有意思。


    第二个问题顺着这个问我risk还可以怎么分啊,我反应过来他是让我说systematic和unsystematic risk,于是搬出portfolio theory,通俗的解释了一下diversification如何能够diversify away unsystematic risk.汗,这些还比较小儿科,他说很好,说得很明白。不过我自己觉得说得不太清楚。

    第三个问题,他还没问是什么先给我打了一下预防针,说这个问题很难,你尽力答啊。我当时一寒。他说你觉得CAPM用到的beta和Black-Scholes公式计算出的Implied Volatility虽然都是度量风险,但是在philosophy上有何不同。我第一遍答得驴唇不对马嘴,他就给我耐心的讲了一遍,真是好老师啊。我大概有些明白了就变向复述了一下,希望蒙住他让他以为我懂了。

    之后是一个每个人都要被问到的问题,How will you contribute to the class? 我说我喜欢体育,我会玩很多球,而且人人都喜欢体育,所以我很容易和大家打成一片,我会创造机会大家一起玩,之后好好交流互相学习。而且体育的精神是大家一起为一个目标努力共同进步,就像这个MFE program大家都是来学习的,精神上是一致的。(以前没觉得我这么能扯,说完了自己都寒了)然后他狂点头,说昨天的宣讲会上有个家伙和他就是football友,然后回忆他以前踢球的日子:)又问我踢什么位置,我说中场右边,他说难道是Beckham? 我就说位置是一样的,不过技术差太多,大家哈哈一笑

    最后是我问问题,我利用这个机会解释了一下昨天我为什么没去成宣讲会,问他这个MFE的毕业生placement如何。他解释了好久,真是敬业。从这个创办这个MFE的初衷到他们如何跟业界沟通选教材,又说这个和MBA的就业资源是一样的,blablabla。解释完了问我还有啥问题,我也不好意思再打扰人家了,心想都面了两天了肯定累死了,看他桌上那么多文件我就晕,于是no more questions。致了谢之后他告诉我两周以后有消息,我就闪人了!


    还有一次忘了挪用客户资金咋说,郁闷,改说违规了。专业问题除了beta和implied vol以外答得还行,给他的印象应该是比较open,可以和大家打成一片的。

    就这么多了,因为以前没有人面过这个program,所以写得比较多,希望能对以后面类似的项目的人有帮助,goddess bless

    3.2 year + Financial Markets Front Office 2015年11月12日


    1. Tell me about yourself briefly and what makes you a qualified applicant for the MFE programme.

    2. Short term career goal: where do you see yourself right after graduation of Oxford?

    3. Since you have been working for some time, why don't you apply for Oxford MBA programme? What do you think is the difference between MBA and MFE?

    4. Are you aware of the Environmental Conference held in Paris recently? Could you think of some measures to tackle the problem of carbon emmission from a economic point of view? What potential obstacles you will have when you carry out your measures?

    5. Can you name 3 "disruptive technologies" during the past few years?

    6. Ooops, I suppose to chekc your photo ID at the start of the interview... Can you show it to me pls? 

    7. Any questions you would like to ask me?


    4. 学生背景:新加坡本,会计金融双学位 (除了一门基础经济课以外无其它数学经济学coursework), GRE>330, TOEFL>115,1.5年 BB 工作经验
    潜 面试时间:2018年3月1日  已录

    申请专业:MFEArhat Virdi  15分钟

    1. Why MFE? (versus other programs)
    2. Why Oxford? 
    3. How do you value add to Oxford?

    4. Impact of governance on share price
    5. Dividend discount model and capital appreciation

    5. 学生背景:海外本科工科,GMAT 760/5.5, IELTS 7.5. 面试时间:2012年2月21日 

    申请专业:MFE 30MIN30S


    2.学过GAME THEORY吗?


    4.听说过2000年的.COM CRISIS吗?





    6. 学生背景:不详 面试时间:2012年11月27日 


    1. 实习经历
    2. Career goal
    3. WHY MFE
    4. P(T)那道题,variance 有点难算,数学好的同学估计不用担心
    5. 博弈论
    6. LZ的Research expierence (解释了agglomeration economics)
    7. 有什么问题要问

    7. 学生背景:不详 面试时间:2014年12月23日   已拒

    申请专业:MFEAnsgar Walther  20分钟


    2、做完四道题之后,小哥说,I think that's all about technical questions. Now let's move to some general things. 然后问了一下我最想在MFE的学习中学到什么skill?我想都没想,张嘴就来了个valuation。然后小哥立马兴奋了,问valuation是神马?能在什么情况下用valuation?然后我按照自己之前看过的material扯了一通,小哥恐怕还想再点拨我一下,说so where can we use valuation...然后我又扯了一通。。。然后小哥面色严峻了,,,我只感觉背后一阵凉意

    3、这个时候大概过去了15分钟。最后5分钟小哥让我问他问题,我问了牛津最unique的point是啥,以及由于MFE是Said和Department of Econ一起开的,我请他推荐了一门Econ的课(他推荐了微观)。然后就草草结束了。

    8. 学生背景:不详 面试时间:2016年11月29日   


    Technical Questions:

    1.     econometrics stochastic process

    a.     Brownian motion/random walk

    2.     risk management

    a.     coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events

    b.     Risk management’s objective is to assure uncertainty does not deflect the endeavor from the business goals.

    3.     binomial tree

    a.     create the binomial price tree

            i.     up and down factors are calculated using the underlying volatility and the time duration of a step, u=1/d

    b.     find option value at each final node

    c.     find option value at earlier nodes

    4.     utility functions

    5.     financial derivatives

    a.     A derivative is a security with a price that is dependent upon or derived from one or more underlying assets. Its value is determined by fluctuations in the underlying asset.

    6.     how to determine the price? /bid-offer spread

    a.     Find economic equilibrium – supply demand

    b.     The bid-ask spread is the difference between the bid price for a security and its ask (or offer) price. It represents the difference between the highest price that a buyer is willing to pay (bid) for a security and the lowest price that a seller is willing to accept for it.

    c.     A transaction occurs either when a buyer accepts the ask price or a seller takes the bid price.

    7.     Expectation/ Expected Return

    8.     F.O.C/ maximum

    9.    Central bank and how it functions

    a.      A central bank, reserve bank, or monetary authority is an institution that manages a state's currency, money supply, and interest rates.

    b.     Manipulate liquidity in the financial system

    c.     Determines currency stability, inflation and employment

    d.     Issue currency, and set interest rates on loans and bonds

    e.     Reserve rates

    10.  Game Theory

    11.  How to choose portfolio under mean-variance framework?

    12.  Confidence Interval

    13.  CAPM beta/Security Market Line

    a.     Compensation: time value (risk-free rate, i.e. 10-year government bond yield), risk (volatility*risk premium (the difference between market rate and risk-free rate))

    b.     Expected return

    14.  Risk measurement/ SD, var, cov/ how to calculate β1

    15.  What is the difference in transmission mechanism between 2000 Dot-com bubble and Subprime mortgage crisis/ bitcoin

    16.  Auction Theory

    a.     http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E6%8B%8D%E5%8D%96%E7%90%86%E8%AE%BA

    17.  Bail-out/ Greek, US/ Regarding the crisis of Greece, what are key factors to create a successful currency area?  (Recent News)

    18.  Bayes' theorem

    a.     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayes%27_theorem

    19.  IPO-discount

    20.  两个identical firm 定价策略,一期,两期,无限期。根据无名氏定理,一期两期P=C,无限期可有垄断利润。

    21.  Monty Hall Problem

    22.  financial innovation

    23.  financial crisis and its relationship to financial instruments/how do you see yourself related to the financial crisis

    a.     a situation where some financial assets suddenly lose a large part of their nominal value

    b.     mortgage-backed security

    24.  What do you think is the most important development in capital structure over the past 50 years?  

    25.  Debt to Equity Swap

    26.  please explain "hedge fund" to a person who doesn't know about finance / the difference between hedge fund and mutual fund?

    27.  arbitrage

    Behavioral Questions:

    1.     Current internship

    2.     Major achievement/ how do you evaluate your product?

    3.     How do you see yourself in 10 years? / Career Goal

    4.     Why MFE? Why Oxford? / What do you want to learn in Oxford?

    5.     Why YOU?

    6.     What Math have you learnt?

    7.     Research Experience

    8.     If you are a student in this course, and you want to explain this course to someone who has no related background, how would you explain?

    9.  What are other programs that you have applied? What’s your plan B?

    10.  What do you think is the most challenging problem if you study in Oxford?

    Do you have any questions for me?

    Some tips:

    ·      Eye Contact

    ·      Read Financial Times & The Economist

    ·      Thank-you letter


    Fri May 24 15:10:53 CST 2019