

    1.不详 2016年4月21日 AD

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Finance】Boston College (BC) MSF virtual interview。题目全部都是面经里面的。但我觉得不是随机的:

    1. 因为我是应届生,没有工作经验,居然一道题都没有面到关于current job之类的。

    2. 本专业不是金融,放了好多finance market的题什么的。

    3. 中间断网了好几次(哭),每次重新打开题目还是一样的,并没有随机换题。


    1. 如果你网速不行,test过不了的话,你连续test很多很多次(估计有十次),它还是会让你开始面的,但会警告说可能会传不上去(事实是还是传的上去的,就是比较慢)。

    2. 听小伙伴说手机开4g连热点很好用,然并卵,我还是test不过。感觉test有毒。

    3. 网不好的时候,好几次题目出来了,视频没出来,一直卡着。(这个时候可以再默默准备一发)

    2. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月18日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Finance】题基本上都是以前面经里有的,9道+1道writing。没有准备时间,问题出来3秒后就开始录。还有用电脑网一直很烂,各种方式都不行后试了试手机App,竟然就顺利的录完并上传了。


    1、How to build up accountability and create a strong team

    2、What quality do you admire in your fellow team members

    3、 Intellectual curiosity level

    4、Biggest challenge and biggest opportunity in fin industry

    5、Writing: What is the most important ethical dilemma for corporation today (不限时间字数,但会记录所用时间)

    6、Short-term and long-term career goal & the steps to achieve

    7、How do you investigate your career path

    8、Are there any challenge you expect to face in your career path

    9、What is your expectation for placement inside and outside the US

    10、What other programs have you applied for, rank for BC

    然后我是有working experience 的孩纸,不知道是不是真和没有不一样。

    3.不详 2015年11月9日 

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Finance】Boston College (BC) MSF

    1. if someone came to visit your hometown, what would be the first thing you showed him or her?

    2. if you found out your company was doing something against the law, what would you choose to handle it and why?

    3. if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

    4. what has been your most meaningful professional accomplishment? why?

    5. what qualifications do you have, other than other bachelor's degree, that make you a strong candidate for the MS in Mathematical Finance program?

    6. describe a time when your involvement in a project changed the process or the outcome of that project. what did you contribute and why was it so successful?

    7. tell me about a time you worked hard to accomplish a task for an internship or extracurricular activity. why was this experience meaningful to you?

    8. tell us about a time that you had to rely on others to complete a project or a task. what did you learn in that experience?

    9. what was your favourite extracurricular activity during college? why did you decide to participate in this organization?

    10. what concepts have you mastered in your prior coursework that will help you in the MSMF classroom?

    4. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2019年2月18日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Finance

    1.      Lt st goal

    2.      What skills and abilities haveyou acquired that are directly transferable to a career in finance and how dothey position you as a competitive applicant?

    3.      Tell me about a leadership roleyou have taken. What did you take away from this experience?

    4.      Given the current economicclimate, what are your expectations for obtaining placement in a challengingjob market both within and outside of the United States?

    5.      If you had one year with noobligations or financial constraints, what would you do with that time?

    6.      Other than making the decisionto pursue your graduate degree, what else have you done to become betterqualified for your chosen career?

    7.      Why have you chosen BostonCollege for your graduate studies? What other programs are you considering?

    5. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2014年3月17日  已录

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Finance

    1. short-term and long-term career goal, the steps to achieve them.
    2. 你认为creativity 和efficiency 哪个更重要。
    3. Describe a project that you co-managed, what are the challenges and the outcome。
    4. What is you expectation for placement inside and outside the US
    5. Why BC?  What otherschools have you applied to? rank for BC among them?
    6. why are you interested in pursuing a MSF at this time
    7. what will you contribute to your fellow classmates?(貌似问法比较新?)
    8. What's your opinion about the ethical dilemma for employees?/ what's the most important ethical dilemma for corporation today?(writing)
    9. you took a risk and the outcome
    10. how did you investige your career path?

    6. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2014年3月19日  

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Finance

    1. WHY MSF NOW
    3.any non-academic activity in BC you will take to realize your goal
    4.评价一下自己的求知欲(intellectual curiosity)是啥level的,以及你的求知欲如何帮助你学习和工作上的成功的。
    5.What aspect of your communication style do you think you want to improve?/讲讲之前做过的一个presentation以及有哪些需要提升的;请说一下你做的一次presentation,你的优势有哪些,你有哪些需要改进的
    6.Describe a conflict and how you deal with it.
    7.How to build up accountability and create a strong team
    8.你认为现在financial profession面临的biggest chanllenges和biggest opportunities是什么

    7. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2015年12月18日  

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Finance】Kira

    1.Give me your description of what a Master of Science in Mathematical Finance entails? What work do you expect to undertake in this program and how you are prepared for it?

    2.what‘s your favorite website and why?


    1.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年1月27日 

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Mathematical Finance MSMF】

    1. Give me your description of what a Master of Science in Mathematical Finance entails? What work do you expect to undertake in this program and how you are prepared for it?
    2. if you could get a job at any part of the world, what and why
    3. 本科学过的最beneficial的课

    2.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年1月19日 

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Mathematical Finance MSMF】

    第一题 give me ur description what a master of science in mathematical finance entails 那道题第二题 the most important gift ever received
    第三题 most important extracurricular activity, what u learn from it
               the most meaningful professional accomplishment

    3.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月7日 

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Mathematical Finance MSMF】

    第1题:Give me your description of what a Master of Science in Mathematical Finance entails? What work do you expect to undertake  in this program and how you are prepared for it?
    (3) supervisor 会怎样describe you
    第3题:你担任leader的club/organization以及what did you learn from it

    4.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2014年12月3日 

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Mathematical Finance MSMF】

    4、你为什么学mathematical finance?

    5.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月2日 

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Mathematical Finance MSMF】

    1.     Give me 1)your description of whata Master of Science in Mathematical Finance entails? 2)Whatwork do you expect to undertake in this program and 3)howyou are prepared for it?
    3. 在organization里担任leader的经验,学到了什么

    6.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月5日   已录

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Mathematical Finance MSMF】

    Give me your description of what a Master ofScience in Mathematical Finance entails? What work do you expect to undertakein this program and how you are prepared for it?

    1. 如果有机会和国家领导人见面聊天,你最先想问的问题是什么?
    2. What does creating value for the world meanto you

    3.如果你能在全世界任何地方得到一个工作,你希望是什么and why

    1. 你担任leader的club/organization以及whatdid you learn from it

    2. Tell meabout an extra-curricular activity or internship you have done that alignsperfectly with your desire to obtain a MSMF degree. How will this involvement helpyou?

    7.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年10月31日   

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Mathematical Finance MSMF】

    1.必答题:MSMF entails what, what do you expect to undertake, how you are prepared?
    3.第三题:your most meaningful professional accomplishment,why?

    8.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年3月13日   

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Mathematical Finance MSMF】kira

    1. What does MSMF entail, what do you expect to undertake from this program, and how you have prepared for it.

    2. If you are a movie character, who do you want to be and why?

    3. Tell me about any skills you have obtained from your past internship/extracurricular activies.


    Mon May 27 11:25:02 CST 2019