

    1. 学生背景:上海交通大学;面试时间:3月4日


    之前说是 15-20分钟,我以为是比较general interview,结果居然是技术面。过程如下:



    3、Call option的价值有哪些

    4、Interest rate 和 call option value的关系

    5、Volatility 和 call option value的关系

    6、怎么hedging,如果 stock price drop,怎么调整


    8、Do you have any questions about the program?


    BTW,cornell据说已经发了一些offer 和 rej,然后像我这种属于他们搞不清楚的,所以就要面试

    2. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2月23日

    【申请专业:ORIE】卡着deadline申请的,所以面试现在才来 过程如下:

    1 why Cornell, what to expect from this mfe program

    2 how to introduce a topic to others

    3 how will other people value you

    4 what kind of work product do you want to make

    5 what kind of working environment do u prefer.

    3. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2月3日

    【申请专业:ORIE】video interview过程如下:

    Question 1: Why choose this program?

    Question 2: What do you cherish most about yourself?

    Question 3: If you can choose a company to work with, where would you choose and why?

    Question 4: Think of a course and choose you preferred examination form.

    Question 5: What do you proud of yourself outside academia?


    4. 学生背景:应用数学 海本;面试时间:2015年3月8号;面试结果:AD


    1.what can you get from this program?
    2.Why should we choose you among other applicants?
    3. Imaging you are in a networking event where no one knows you, how would you start the conversation?
    4. Tell me about your favorite book.
    5. Define your 3 characteristics of success. 

    5. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年12月23号

    【申请专业:金融工程 MFE】

    1. why this program and determinant factor
    2. If you are going to do a presentation, what you are going to present, and what your audience will be?
    3. A person you admire
    4. What's your latest essay
    5. The great difficulty humanity faced

    6. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年12月8号

    【申请专业:金融工程 MFE】

    1. 一个event 让你想申请mfe
    2. a person you admire
    3. 一个presentation?
    4. what is leadership? give an example?
    5. which do you value more? Courage or patience.

    7. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年12月11号

    【申请专业:金融工程 MFE】

    1. why cornell MFE and why do you think you fit the program?
    2.one thing you want to change
    4. 课余爱好

    8. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2017年12月27号

    【申请专业:金融工程 MFE】

    1. how did you learn about this program ; what do you expect to gain
    2. a person you admire 
    3. unusual food 预祝大家申请顺利??

    9. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2017年12月11号

    【申请专业:金融工程 MFE】

    1、how do you learn about the program and how this program will help your future career?
    2、One person who have left a good first impression on you, and what did you learn from him/her?
    3、An unusual food you ever ate?(回答完了结果网络不好,答案没能保存,就刷新了)
    4、Three qualities you want others to recognize in you.
    5、What do you like to do outside the classroom?
    6、One mistake you made and what did you learn?

    10. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2017年12月14号

    【申请专业:金融工程 MFE】kira

    1. How do you know our program? What you expect to gain?
    2. If you seat beside a CEO, what will you say to him first? (从这个问题开始就知道面经统统派不上用处了)
    3. Which position is the most suitable for u? CEO, CFO or market developer还是啥,就听清了一个CEO然后就跟CEO干上了扯leadership
    4. What is your definition of leadership? Give example of who you hear from. (我怀疑系统设置了对上一个问题回答的自动追问)
    5. One of special food?

    11. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2017年12月12号

    【申请专业:金融工程 MFE】

    1. What does this program interest you most, and how does it help you in the future?
    2. Think about a scenario that you are on the flight, seating with the CEO of your dream company. What will you do first?讲真,这个我把自己的一系列都讲了,因为first就是打招呼啊,还能干啥。。
    3. If you can do a presentation on any topics, what would you talk about? Who would you talk to?
    4. Which position do you think best for you in the future, CEO, CFO or CMO?
    5. In your aspect, who do you think contributes more to humanity, 达芬奇or乔布斯?

    12. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年12月12号

    【申请专业:金融工程 MFE】

    1、3 factores why this program,how you fit
    2、ficiton character you wants to be,why?
    3、describe an unethical situation you met, how you solve it
    4、place want to visit,why
    5、accomplishment except for academic,why proud of this accomplishment

    13. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2011年3月23号

    【申请专业:金融工程 MFE】Sasha  20分钟

    1. why MFE?
    2. 投硬币,第一次出现连续两投出个head所需投掷次数的期望。


    Mon May 20 13:52:01 CST 2019