

    1. 申请专业:教育心理学;学生背景:北京大学;面试时间:2009年1月14日

    CPEP=Combined program in education and psychology; interviewed by Dr. Kevin Miller, through Skype(him) and cell phone (me). last for 30 minuates.


    晚上10:01,很准时的电话响了,他用的skype,感觉有回声,不是很清楚,一开始我就频频parden,excuse me,为后来的坑巴奠定了良好的基础……

    Prof: I'll try to make it berief so u will have time preparing your tests.

    Me: Oh, I've already gone through the notes so there's no need to make it short.

    Prof: Great. Your interest and past work experience?

    Me: the independent research project? blabla...从研究1到研究2的三个实验……

    Prof: ...(我没听清,pardon,excuse me,sorry了3遍)

    Prof: I'm sorry.. I mean your work is excellent. I especially love the part that you asked children not only for their judgments but also for the explanations.

    Me: (赶紧附和)是啊是啊……我从study1中间学到的印象最深刻的东西就是Introspective data的重要性,随着后来的研究我越来越多的注意到了这一点

    Prof: That's for sure. So, do you have questions for me?

    Me (不是吧,我针对他的email准备的一堆东西还没有用上呢): 哦,你在email里问了我关于我研究经历不concentrated的问题,我想解释一下。

    Prof: Oh, that's good.

    Me: 第一个研究,关于孩子的自传体记忆的,那是我刚进实验室时的ongoing proj,我从那里学到了basic research skill。然后我有了个idea,就开始做independent study, 这个study持续了一年半。其中我07 fall去了NUS交换,在那里我做了一个proj,是关于health psych的,做这个proj我的主要目的是培养自己的quantitative research skill,比如找到一个模型,操作化,找问卷,选题目,玩统计等等。最后是08年夏天我参与的那个关于mother-adolescent conflict的研究,主要是我想培养自己qualitative研究的能力。那时候我的independent study进展到最后阶段,主要遇到了两个问题,一个是如何develop a coding system for the introspective data; 二是怎么combine the qualitative & quantitative data。通过和berkeley的博士做这个proj,我学到了如何develop coding system and revise an empirical coding system according to data. How to develop interview questions from the focus of interest, how to ask questions to get the info I need in the interview; and the way to make the combination of quantitative and qualitative data. 最后总结,选择做proj,我最关注的并不是proj的具体内容,而是我能从中间学到什么东西用到我自己的研究里面去。

    Prof: good. I know it is not rational to ask undergrad to be concentrate on one thing. But it does make it hard for us to recognize what you are really interested in. So your interest?

    Me: children's quantitative reasoning. its development, and how the prior experience and the contextual info would interact to influence its development. I'm especially interested in the contextual info part (bla了一通在研究中如何被shock了)and I also think it could make implication on instructional practice.

    Prof: That's really interesting.


    Prof: 恩,我觉得最有意思的部分是…… 在中国…… 文化差异…… (基本没怎么听清楚,一直恩啊,附和),我们现在很关注……的问题,这方面的东西psychology的研究很有价值,所以你的psychology的背景我很喜欢……

    Me: can I ask what the program is like?

    Prof: 5 years. 前两年纯的coursework,后三年做研究。我们会有不少关于teaching的课,所以毕业后对这方面会有很好的理解,psych方面,我们的 psychology是数一数二的……(赶紧附和that's great)恩,这个地方很小,比北京冷(赶快说I like small cities!)...

    Me: That sounds really wonderful...

    Prof: 我看见你在personal history statement说你家是教师之家?




    Me: engeneering.. but I know nothing of engeneering...I'm interested in people..

    Prof: I understand that. where do you come from?

    Me: hometown? 我在黄山脚下,扬子江边的安徽。

    Prof: 哦我没有去过那里,我去过湖南,……

    Prof: 这个电话主要是因为你的材料很interesting,我想更多的了解一下,也是有一些我比较puzzle的地方想再问问你,我们今天要开一个会,你今天跟我说的这些都满重要的。我们大概下周或者下下周会做决定,我会尽快通知你的。我挺希望能在Ann Arbor见到你的


    Prof:(笑)really? 我会尽快告诉你的结果的(寒暄,结束)

    呃,研究经验说的磕磕巴巴, 后面他说自己的感兴趣的东西我基本没听清楚(光在那里恩恩哪啊了),通话效果不是特别好,开始老有回音,后来电话断了以后重新接通的那次反而清晰了很多。



    Tue Jun 21 18:12:43 CST 2016