

    1. 申请专业:学习设计与技术(LDT);学生背景:北京大学;面试时间:2009年01月24日

    LDT = Learning Design & Technologies。个人第一个interview,有些戏剧性。两天前在成都玩的时候收到UGA的interview,给对方说周四后的任何一天都可以,prof很快确定了周五EST 9AM。于是昨天刚回到家今天hzhz地准备了一个下午,对于面经稀缺的Educational Technology还是有些许焦虑。


    面试开始前10分钟突然收到Mike的一封信,已经给我列出了面试问题。先是一顿狂喜,还能先给出问题的面试~看完才知道很tough,好几个问的关于ps和writing sample中的细节的问题,后面还问我认为的online learning的top journals以及top 2/3 scholars,journal还行,scholar很难说,因为搞这个的人太多了,而搞这个的牛人又都研究各种其他的fields。一下开始打鼓了。

    EST 9AM面试准时开始了,持续了39min。

    面试过程(Mike: M, Greg: G, CBD: C):

    M: Hi Derek, this is Mike. This is Greg. We will talk with you about some details we are interested, and we will also answer your questions about application to the LDT program.

    C: Morning Prof... and Prof...

    M: You can ask your questions first.

    C: Where are students in LDT program from, both their homelands and academic background? I believe I could learn more from a more diverse community.

    G: students with diverse backgrounds... people from different countries...number of students from the Chinese mainland increased in the past 5 years...

    C: I learned from the PhD handbook that there will be an advisory committee for every student. That's very interesting! So, what are regular correspondings between students and their advisory committees like? Will there be peridical meetings or other exchanges?

    G: ...(detailed explanation)...

    M: I've got a question that did u take any courses related to research methods before?

    C: 3 courses...Quantitative basis, Educational Statistics, ORM... 说在课上都学了些什么又做了些什么实际的演练。。

    M: Just related to your q, we want to ask you q. In your personal statement, you indicated an interest in working with Prof. Reeves or Prof. Hannafin. As it happens, neither may be available as an advisor for you. If that were the case, would you still be interested in coming to UGA? If so, with whom might you prefer to work?

    C: ...Matching of research interest is the most important issue I care about...(M和G听到了狂点头,没意识到当时该谄媚Mike一下)

    M: That's pretty reasonable! After I read ur materials , I found u'r very exceptional and do want u to come to UGA. Assuming that you have applied to other universities, knowing what you now about these various programs, where would you rank UGA among your preferred choices and why?

    C: UGA ranks pretty high in my list...各种谄媚(M和G边听边相互点头,看来比较满意)...However, the decision is still hard to make at this point...

    M: 从你的ps里看出你对technologies-enhanced learning environments很感冒,也有很多经历。你能说说将来想研究什么吗?

    C: 过去参加了很多项目,在learning environment之外还有...,还对最近新涌现的一系列NB的话题感兴趣,比如game learning,informal learning,u-learning, m-learning...基于之前的经历,我很想继续深入地研究learning environment的设计,同时我们专业的研究方法都是相同的,做好其他的研究也有信心。

    G: Derek, actually ur research interests match quite well with Mike's. And Mike have profound experience in ....(悟过来了当初应该直接谄媚Mike,这段话或许来得早点)

    C: 立马谄媚…

    M: Great! Your writing sample was entitled “An Online Community of Practice for Knowledge Sharing of ICT Application in Education: A Perspective of Design.” At the end of that paper, you cite 10 strategies for designing effective online communities of practice. Would you characterize these strategies as macro-, meso-, or micro-strategies? How would you go about determining appropriate measures of successful implementation of such strategies?

    C: Macro...只是我们项目里的经验性总结,而我当初把它写到里头是不规范的,因为没有切实的研究支持它的有效性,所以我要向你道歉。。。至于如何验证,这个验证性研究很复杂也很难做…

    M: 其实没什么,你可以这样做,验证你这些stratigies很有意义,以后我们可以来做这样的验证性研究。

    G: 夸Mike这方面的经验很丰富

    C: Absolutely! I believe Mike's another research emphasis on assessment of instruction could help me a lot...

    M: What journals do you regularly read?

    C: We got restricted access to journals of ET in China. I regularlly read ET R&D and ET, and Distance Learning is also a important j in distance education...还常去数据库里搜各种和自己研究相关的文章

    M: That's great! It's an excellent conversation! You know, we are taking u very seriously. Although I cannot make a 100% permise of financial aid, but I think it's very hopeful. And we do expect a positive outcome.

    C: Thanks! ....

    之后是各种总结(Mike说“很抱歉忘了当初你套过我了”),bye bye



    Tue Jun 21 10:08:49 CST 2016