
学校中文名 学校英文名 专业名称 开设学位 位置
冲绳县立艺术大学 Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts Music; Music Performance Master Okinawa, Japan
武藏野音乐大学 Musashino Academia Musicae Composition Master Tokyo, Japan
武藏野音乐大学 Musashino Academia Musicae Instrumental Music ; Music Education; Musicology; Voice Master Tokyo, Japan
昭和音乐大学 Showa Academia Musicae Composition Master Yokohama, Japan
名古屋音乐大学 Nagoya College of Music Composition ; Instrumental Music ; Vocal Music Master Nagoya, Japan
武藏野音乐大学 Musashino Academia Musicae Composition Master Tokyo, Japan
武藏野音乐大学 Musashino Academia Musicae Instrumental Music ; Music Education; Musicology; Voice Master Tokyo, Japan
东京艺术大学 Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music Composition; Instrumental Music ; Japanese Music ; Music Musicology (Master); Vocal Music ; Music Doctorate, Master Tokyo, Japan
东海大学(日本) Tokai University Music Master Yokohama, Japan
冲绳县立艺术大学 Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts Music; Music Performance Master Okinawa, Japan
武藏野音乐大学 Musashino Academia Musicae Composition Master Tokyo, Japan
武藏野音乐大学 Musashino Academia Musicae Instrumental Music ; Music Education; Musicology; Voice Master Tokyo, Japan
大阪音乐学院 Osaka College of Music Instrumental Music; Vocal Music Master Osaka, Japan
大阪音乐学院 Osaka College of Music Instrumental Music; Vocal Music; Master Osaka, Japan
爱知县立艺术大学 Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music Vocal Music Master Nagoya, Japan
爱知县立艺术大学 Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music Instrumental Music Master Nagoya, Japan
国立音乐大学 Kunitachi College of Music Composition; Instrumental Music; Musicology ; Technology and aesthetics of Sound Master Tokyo, Japan
名古屋音乐大学 Nagoya College of Music Composition ; Instrumental Music ; Vocal Music Master Nagoya, Japan
京都市立艺术大学 Kyoto City University of Arts Composition ; Instrumental Music; Vocal Music Master Kyoto, Japan
大阪音乐学院 Osaka College of Music Instrumental Music; Vocal Music; Master Osaka, Japan
大阪音乐学院 Osaka College of Music Instrumental Music; Vocal Music Master Osaka, Japan
大阪音乐学院 Osaka College of Music Instrumental Music; Vocal Music Master Osaka, Japan
大阪音乐学院 Osaka College of Music Instrumental Music; Vocal Music; Master Osaka, Japan
国立音乐大学 Kunitachi College of Music Composition; Instrumental Music; Musicology ; Technology and aesthetics of Sound Master Tokyo, Japan
名古屋音乐大学 Nagoya College of Music Composition ; Instrumental Music ; Vocal Music Master Nagoya, Japan
东海大学(日本) Tokai University Music Master Yokohama, Japan