
学校中文名 学校英文名 专业名称 开设学位 位置
金泽大学 Kanazawa University Education of the Handicapped Master Ishikawa, Japan
金泽大学 Kanazawa University Education for Children with Disabilities Master Ishikawa, Japan
鸣门教育大学 Naruto University of Education Handicapped Children Master Tokushima, Japan
横滨国立大学 Yokohama National University Education of Handicapped Children Master Yokohama, Japan
兵库教育大学 Hyogo University of Teacher Education Education of the Handicapped Master Kobe, Japan
三重大学 Mie University Teachers for the Handicapped Master Ise, Japan
京都教育大学 Kyoto University of Education Education for the Handicapped Children Master Kyoto, Japan
熊本大学 Kumamoto University Special Education Master Kumamoto, Japan
东京学艺大学 Tokyo Gakugei University Education of Handicapped Children Master Tokyo, Japan
广岛大学 Hiroshima University Education of the Handicapped Master Higashihiroshima, Japan
横滨国立大学 Yokohama National University Education of Handicapped Children Master Yokohama, Japan
爱媛大学 Ehime University Teachers for the Handicapped Master Matsuyama, Japan
福井大学 Fukui University Education of Handicapped Children Master Fukui, Japan
兵库教育大学 Hyogo University of Teacher Education Education of the Handicapped Master Kobe, Japan
三重大学 Mie University Teachers for the Handicapped Master Ise, Japan
岩手大学 Iwate University Special Education Master Tono, Japan
茨城大学 Ibaraki University Education of the Handicapped Children Master Ibaraki, Japan
滋贺大学 Shiga University Teaching Methodology; Education of Handicapped Children Master Hikone, Japan
上越教育大学 Joetsu University of Education Special Education Master Niigata, Japan
熊本大学 Kumamoto University Special Education Master Kumamoto, Japan
茨城大学 Ibaraki University Education of the Handicapped Children Master Ibaraki, Japan
广岛大学 Hiroshima University Education of the Handicapped Master Higashihiroshima, Japan
爱知教育大学 Aichi University of Education Handicapped Children Master Nagoya, Japan
东京学艺大学 Tokyo Gakugei University Education of Handicapped Children Master Tokyo, Japan
京都教育大学 Kyoto University of Education Education for the Handicapped Children Master Kyoto, Japan
宫城教育大学 Miyagi University of Education Education of Handicapped Children Master Sendai, Japan
岩手大学 Iwate University Special Education Master Tono, Japan
福井大学 Fukui University Education of Handicapped Children Master Fukui, Japan