
学校中文名 学校英文名 专业名称 开设学位 位置
滑铁卢路德学院 Waterloo Lutheran Seminary Theology Master Waterloo, QC
滑铁卢路德学院 Waterloo Lutheran Seminary Master of Theological Studies with a concentration in Pastoral Counselling Master Waterloo, QC
拉瓦尔大学 Université Laval Human Religion Sciences Master Quebec, QC
拉瓦尔大学 Université Laval Theology Doctorate, Master Quebec, QC
拉瓦尔大学 Université Laval Religious Sciences Doctorate Quebec, QC
拉瓦尔大学 Université Laval Practical Theology Doctorate Quebec, QC
惹勒改革宗神学院 FAREL Reformed Theological Seminary Graduate program in Theology Graduate Certificate, Master Laval, QC
克雷斯特神学院 Briercrest College and Seminary Master of Arts in Christian Ministries Master Caronport, SK
滑铁卢大学 University of Waterloo Catholic Thought Master Waterloo, QC
滑铁卢大学 University of Waterloo Theological Studies Master Waterloo, QC
威克利夫学院 Wycliffe College Theology Doctorate, Graduate Certificate, Master Toronto, PE
圣士提反神学院 St. Stephen's Theological College Graduate Theological Degrees Master, Graduate Certificate, Doctorate Edmonton, AB
圣迈克尔学院大学 University of Saint Michael's College Theological Studies Master, Doctorate Toronto, PE
路德会协和神学院 Concordia Lutheran Seminary (AB) Master of Divinity Master Edmonton, AB
温哥华神学院 Vancouver School of Theology Master of Arts in Theological Studies Graduate Certificate, Master, Doctorate Vancouver, BC
温哥华神学院 Vancouver School of Theology Master of Theology degree Doctorate, Graduate Certificate, Master Vancouver, BC
温哥华神学院 Vancouver School of Theology Diploma in Christian Studies Graduate Certificate, Master, Doctorate Vancouver, BC
温哥华神学院 Vancouver School of Theology Graduate Programs in Theology Graduate Certificate, Master, Doctorate Vancouver, BC
滑铁卢大学 University of Waterloo Catholic Thought Master Waterloo, QC
滑铁卢大学 University of Waterloo Theological Studies Master Waterloo, QC
圣玛丽大学 St. Mary's University Theology Master San Antonio, TX
圣三一学院大学 University of Trinity College Theology Master, Doctorate Toronto, PE
伊曼纽尔与圣乍得学院 College of Emmanuel and Saint Chad Theology Master Saskatoon, SK
滑铁卢路德学院 Waterloo Lutheran Seminary Theology Master Waterloo, QC
滑铁卢路德学院 Waterloo Lutheran Seminary Master of Theological Studies with a concentration in Pastoral Counselling Master Waterloo, QC
惹勒改革宗神学院 FAREL Reformed Theological Seminary Graduate program in Theology Graduate Certificate, Master Laval, QC
滑铁卢大学 University of Waterloo Catholic Thought Master Waterloo, QC
滑铁卢大学 University of Waterloo Theological Studies Master Waterloo, QC
圣马克学院 St. Mark's College Graduate Program in Theology and Religious Education Master Vancouver, BC
伊曼纽尔与圣乍得学院 College of Emmanuel and Saint Chad Theology Master Saskatoon, SK
惹勒改革宗神学院 FAREL Reformed Theological Seminary Graduate program in Theology Graduate Certificate, Master Laval, QC
大西洋神学院 Atlantic School of Theology Master of Theological Studies Master Halifax, NS
大西洋神学院 Atlantic School of Theology Graduate Certificate Program in Theological Studies Graduate Certificate Halifax, NS
大西洋神学院 Atlantic School of Theology MA in Theology and Religious Studies Master Halifax, NS
圣三一学院大学 University of Trinity College Theology Master, Doctorate Toronto, PE
休伦大学神学院 Huron University College Faculty of Theology Master of Theological Studies Master London, ON
休伦大学神学院 Huron University College Faculty of Theology Master of Arts in Theology Master London, ON
大西洋神学院 Atlantic School of Theology Master of Theological Studies Master Halifax, NS
大西洋神学院 Atlantic School of Theology Graduate Certificate Program in Theological Studies Graduate Certificate Halifax, NS
大西洋神学院 Atlantic School of Theology MA in Theology and Religious Studies Master Halifax, NS
路德会协和神学院 Concordia Lutheran Seminary (AB) Master of Divinity Master Edmonton, AB
克雷斯特神学院 Briercrest College and Seminary Master of Arts in Christian Ministries Master Caronport, SK
萨斯卡通神学联盟 Saskatoon Theological Union Theology Master Saskatoon, SK
凯里神学院 Carey Theological College Master of Pastoral Ministry Master Vancouver, BC
西安大略大学 University of Western Ontario Masters Programs & Proposed MA in Theology Master London, ON