
学校中文名 学校英文名 专业名称 开设学位 位置
皇后大学 Queen's University, Ontario, Canada Neuroscience Master, Doctorate Kingston, NS
渥太华大学 University of Ottawa Anatomy and Neurobiology Doctorate, Master Ottawa, ON
渥太华大学 University of Ottawa Neuroscience Doctorate, Master Ottawa, ON
卡尔加里大学 University of Calgary Neuroscience Master Calgary, AB
滑铁卢大学 University of Waterloo Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience Doctorate Waterloo, QC
多伦多大学 University of Toronto Collaborative Program in Neuroscience Master Toronto, PE
纽芬兰纪念大学 Memorial University of Newfoundland Neurosciences; Human Genetics; Immunology; Community Health; Cancer Research; Clinical Epidemiology Doctorate, Master St. John's, NF
纽芬兰纪念大学 Memorial University of Newfoundland Cognitive and Behavioural Ecology Master, Doctorate St. John's, NF
莱斯布里奇大学 University of Lethbridge Neuroscience Master Lethbridge, AB
约克大学(加拿大) York University Neuroscience Graduate Diploma Graduate Certificate North York, ON
麦克马斯特大学 McMaster University Neuroscience and Behavioural Science Master Hamilton, ON
麦克马斯特大学 McMaster University Graduate Program in Neuroscience Master Hamilton, ON
麦克马斯特大学 McMaster University Psychology Master, Doctorate Hamilton, ON
麦吉尔大学 McGill University Neuroscience (Graduate Program in Neurological Sciences) Doctorate, Master Montreal, QC
麦吉尔大学 McGill University Cognitive Science Master Montreal, QC
西门菲莎大学 Simon Fraser University Interactive Arts and Technology Master Surrey, BC
布鲁克大学 Brock University Behavioral Neuroscience Master St. Catharines, ON
麦吉尔大学 McGill University Neuroscience (Graduate Program in Neurological Sciences) Doctorate, Master Montreal, QC
麦吉尔大学 McGill University Cognitive Science Master Montreal, QC
卡尔加里大学 University of Calgary Neuroscience Master Calgary, AB
滑铁卢大学 University of Waterloo Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience Doctorate Waterloo, QC
多伦多大学 University of Toronto Collaborative Program in Neuroscience Master Toronto, PE