
学校中文名 学校英文名 专业名称 开设学位 位置
邓迪大学 University of Dundee Anatomy and Physiology Doctorate, Master Dundee, United Kingdom
德雷塞尔大学 Drexel University Pharmacology and Physiology Master, Doctorate Philadelphia, PA
布里斯托大学 University of Bristol Physiology Doctorate, Master Bristol, United Kingdom
牛津布鲁克斯大学 Oxford Brookes University MSc/PGDip in Applied Sport and Exercise Nutrition Master Wheatley, United Kingdom
布里斯托大学 University of Bristol Physiology Doctorate, Master Bristol, United Kingdom
德雷塞尔大学 Drexel University Pharmacology and Physiology Master, Doctorate Philadelphia, PA
伦敦大学伯克贝克学院 Birkbeck College Physiology Master London, United Kingdom
利兹大学 University of Leeds Physiology Master, Doctorate Leeds, United Kingdom
佛罗里达州立大学 Florida State University Physiology Doctorate, Master Tallahassee, FL
雷丁大学 University of Reading Physiology Graduate Certificate Reading, United Kingdom
伦敦大学国王学院 King's College London Human & Applied Physiology Master London, United Kingdom
伦敦大学国王学院 King's College London Human & Aerospace Physiological Sciences, Centre of (CHAPS) Doctorate London, United Kingdom
伦敦大学国王学院 King's College London Human & Applied Physiology Master London, United Kingdom
伦敦大学国王学院 King's College London Human & Aerospace Physiological Sciences, Centre of (CHAPS) Doctorate London, United Kingdom
伦敦大学伯克贝克学院 Birkbeck College Physiology Master London, United Kingdom
东安格利亚大学 University of East Anglia Manipulative Physiotherapy Master Norwich, United Kingdom
利兹贝克特大学 Leeds Metropolitan University Advanced Professional Physiotherapy Master, Graduate Certificate Leeds, United Kingdom
基尔大学 Keele University Neuromusculoskeletal Healthcare Master Keele, United Kingdom
利兹大学 University of Leeds Physiology Doctorate, Master Leeds, United Kingdom