

    1.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年3月7号

    【申请专业:全球商业与社会社会管理,MMS: GBS】

    1. self-intro (mentioned including family and Gaokao)
       2. Why go to HK for undergraduate study
       3. exchange experience
       4. which company want to work in
       5. daily activity
       6. how you contribute to YALE
       7. about the long-term goal

    2.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月14号

    【申请专业:全球商业与社会社会管理】Joanne Legler 29min10s

    1. Introduce yourself(这里我直接提到了自己的long-term career goal

    2. Second major(学了啥课,为什么去华师大选心理学minor,路远不远,我说来回3个小时by metro,老师觉得很加分

    3. Fudan University's education in general

    4. Short-term career goal

    5. 选一段你的internship讲一讲(我说了准备得最充分的一段

    6. How do you decide to choose yale?(这里其实提到了why yale,yale有的各种资源,还有非常戳我的各种resources

    7. What others you want to gain from Yale?(这里提到了global background的community,还有我想参加一个和我的很多的hobbies相关的club

    8. What's your plan for 1st year? (我说HEC给我lay a foundamental basis in management

    9. Individually what's your contribution to the community? (我说了我的minors, 我的characteristics, 还有我有的中国的实习资源可以share 给大家)

    10. Your question( 我问了2个问题 1. ideal characteristics yale looking for 这个问题老师讲了好多, 比如希望diversity,了解yale,了解自己想做啥,能够有contribution to the community 2.能不能GAP 老师说去年的学生是一半一半GAP,你可以自己选)

    3.学生背景:985 工业工程 多段咨询实习 3.7/330/111 面试时间:2019年2月14号

    【申请专业:全球商业与社会社会管理】   Ms. Kelsey  22分钟

    1. Self Introduction
    2. Why GBS
    3. How do you learn about GBS
    4. What do you think of the mission of GBS
    5. Could you share more about your internship experience(我感觉我是这边表现的比较失误,本身有蛮多可以聊得话题,我期待的是他可能会问我一些,但是结果是需要我去自己general的讲自己所有的Internship,所以就讲的不是很好,相比于别的同学讲的会短很多。)
    6. Talk about one of your extracurricular activity
    7. What is your favourite course
    8. Do you have anything more to share? (面试的时候感觉时间不够所以又多讲了一段经历)
    9. Any Questions(拖延时间,问了3个)


    1.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年3月7号


    2019.01.03 hkust interview(15 min)

    1. why this program
    2. which element of the program do you like most
    3. career goal, why, how to prepare
    4. activities and show your leadership
    5. q&a

    2019.01.24 yale interview(30 min)
    1. how did you know the program
    2. why program
    3. share your internship 
    4. share your activities
    5. contribute to the community
    6. favorite course
    7. about career goal
    7. anything else
    8. q&a


    Wed Apr 03 17:27:54 CST 2019