

    1. 学生背景:美本;面试时间:2016年4月20日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Accountancy, MSA】  Lela  26分钟


    1. 为啥来了本科的学校

    2. 为啥换专业(对外汉语转向会计

    3. 为啥选择会计

    4. 是否了解2semester 和3 semester 以及我选了什么track( 

    5. 还申请了什么学校 

    6. 为啥选择 WFU MSA program

    7. 描述一次openness to feedback的经历 

    8, hobbies

    2. 学生背景:top10;面试时间:2015年12月9日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Accountancy, MSA】   Tyler Burrows 30分钟





    4.why auditing


    6.你去过New York,你喜欢这个city吗?以后会想在那里工作吗?(然后他还追问我什么时候去的,天气怎么样,我说freezingly cold!小哥就哈哈哈说东北都是这个鬼样子)






    12.ethical dilemma(这个问题每个人都会问的)



    • 本科金融专业,985(top10),学分绩3.5,wes后3.6+,GMAT760,TOEFL110,实习三段分别是证券、银行和会所,但都是国内单位,丹麦交换半年。


    3. 学生背景:双非;面试时间:2016年1月19日;录取结果:AD

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Accountancy, MSA】

    一面 具体内容如下:

    1. why did you learn your undergraduate major 举例

    2. Why did you decide to pursue a master degree in accounting?

    3. Go through your summer vaca by time order:

      What did you do in the summer of 2013?

      In 2014 Stanford summer session

      In 2015 EY internship

      What will you do in this summer 2016?

    4. Is Stanford the first time you went to US?

    5. Why WFU

    6. Internship experience

    7. Give me an example to show your perseverance. 我说了一个经历 然后她很赞同说 make plans are very important

    8. Q&A


      -Track course limited?

      -How rigorous the courses can be?

    二面 具体内容如下:

    1. why do you think that you are most suitable for our MSA program?

    2. What is your short-term career goal?

    3. How will you convince your recruiter to hire you, given that you are an international student, what is your strength?

    4. How will your friends describe you using 3 words?

    5. Why WFU?

    6. What other schools you have applied?

    7. Q&A  in your perspective, what is the uniqueness of WFU to cultivate such amazing student


    • 大陆本,G也是普通700+,T110,有四大实习,一些比赛和research project,海外经历比较丰富
    • WUSTL(49.84%)、WFU(33.23%)、罗切斯特大学(16.93%)


    4. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年2月7日;录取结果:拒录

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Accountancy, MSA】  tyler


    1. 怎么到的本科学校,本科专业

    2. Why accounting

    3. Why wfu

    4. summer internship 

    5. 没有internship的summer干什么去了,我答的旅游,他追问了还记得去哪里旅游了吗? 

    6. question   

    5. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年2月3日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Accountancy, MSA】  Jen


    1. City you grow, city now live in

    2. Do you enjoy learning in your university?

    3. How to know WFU MSA

    4. Which track you prefer

    5. City you want to work in

    6. Why accounting, how match with your personality

    7. Every summer vacation

    8. How you can contribute to WFU

    9. Open to advices

    10. Are you a positive person?

    11. The problem you may have if you go to WFU

    12. Hobby

    13. Q&A


    6. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月30日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Accountancy, MSA】  Jennifer


    1. Introduce your accounting background 我连着career goal和why USA一起讲了

    2. 除了一面提到的那几所,我还申请了哪些学校

    3. 是否已经拿到其他学校的offer

    4. 实习的时候想去加州还是东岸(因为我之前提到申请了加州的学校因为喜欢那里的天气,然后career goal是financial service之类的在东岸会比较多position)

    5. 选学校时你最看重的几点是什么

    6. 为什么quit了之前的工作


    • 11/29 Submit
    • 12/10 一面通知 
    • 1/6 一面 with Tyler
    • 1/15 二面通知
    • 1/21 二面 with Jennifer

    7. 学生背景:美本 TOP30;面试时间:2016年1月26日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Accountancy, MSA】  



    1. 问了现在在哪儿,因为在美东,所以聊了聊最近的snow storm和学校停课的事情

    2. Background. Introduce myself. 这里小哥会提示很多,比如家乡兴趣之类的,跟着小哥说的来回答就好了。

    3. Why undergraduate,why USA. 是不是第一次来美国。我之前初中毕业的时候去过Idaho,所以小哥就问了问是喜欢美东还是美西。

    4. Why WFU.

    5. Why acct.

    6. City preference.

    7. Ethical dilemma.

    8. Internship.

    9. Summer experience. 有没有去旅游,去哪儿了之类的。

    10. Short & long term goals.

    11. The biggest challenge ever.


    • 12/19/2015 提交申请
    • 01/26/2016 一面with Tyler
    • 02/04/2016 waitlist
    • 02/24/2016 二面with career coach Jen
    • 02/27/2016 wl转正


    • 美本三十左右的小文理,GMAT也只有730,经历实习什么的也不是很丰富

    8. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月28日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Accountancy, MSA】   Jennifer


    1. Career Goal...why MSA 

    2. Why US

    3. Why WFU

    4. 怎么融入环境

    5. 申请其他学校,现在有结果了吗

    6. 下周committe开会+Q&A Q&A很详细的介绍了下WFU的校招,以及如果想去其他location是什么流程


    9. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月13日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Accountancy, MSA】   Lela


    1. 介绍一下学校;为什么选会计专业;

    2. 学校期间实习介绍,两个follow up;

    3. 海外经验,一个follow up;

    4. (因为我有全职工作经验)已经有工作了为什么还要重新回学校学会计(+若干follow up)

    5. Ethical dillema

    6. Team work - strength and weakness

    7. 平时都喜欢做什么

    8. Q&A


    10. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2015年12月16日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Accountancy, MSA】   Jen  45分钟


    1. tell me about yourself and your school, where you grow

    2. why transfer from law to acct and why law in the first place and why not transfer in undergraduate

    3. how does your personality match acct?

    4. team work

    5. perservence

    6. two internships

    7. my trip in states

    8. why wake forest

    Then Jen gave me a thorough intro to the timeline of the program, told me that the notification will be after Jan 1st.



    11. 学生背景:985;面试时间:2016年1月22日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Accountancy, MSA】   Tyler


    1. Tell me about yourself, like where you were born and how you chose your undergraduate uni

    2. Your internship experiences

    3. What did you do during your summer vacation?

    4. How did you decide to be an exchange student in Australia?

    5. How did you choose accounting?

    6. Short-term and long-term goal?

    7. Any specific city you wanna work in?

    8. Ethical delimma?

    9. What factors will you consider when choosing accounting programs?

    10. Q&A

    12. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月19日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Accountancy, MSA】 AMY&Raina


    1. Introduction

    2. WHY US/WFU/program

    3. How to narrow down the gap between you and someone who knows more

    4. Career goal

    5. How do you define diversity?

    6. Ethical problem e.g.

    7. Motivate others e.g.

    8. The biggest challenge of joining the ma program

    9. TYPE question: What is your proudest moment?

    13. 不详 2015年12月9日 

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Accountancy, MSA】  Tyler Burrows  30分钟


    1. self-introduction

    2. 为什么会选择accounting

    3. 为什么要念MSA

    4. why auditing

    5. 小哥问我为什么不到美国念本科,从没想过会问这个。。。

    6. 你去过New York,你喜欢这个city吗?以后会想在那里工作吗?(然后他还追问我什么时候去的,天气怎么样)

    7. 暑期在券商的那个实习做了些什么

    8. 会所的实习是怎么找到额?

    9. 现在是一边实习一边上课吗

    10. 没实习的暑假在干嘛

    11. teamwork的经历

    12. ethical dilemma

    13. Q&A 


    【申请专业:会计硕士(Master of Science in Accountancy (MSA)】面试官:John Montana

    12/5 晚10点和John面试,被问到的问题基本是都是面经里的。John Montana 潦草地给feedback,并一丝不苟地念题目,而且越面到后面,感觉John小哥哥的态度越来越好,给的feedback也变得好了起来。从听不清他说啥变成了Great, excellent之类的。而且也有eye contact,他脸上的表情也变得丰富了。我觉得,不管是面对亲和力强的面试官还是高冷的面试官,面试者自信、有礼貌,面带微笑,能获得大部分面试官的好感。一个小tip。

    1. 介绍自己,以及为什么选WFU(忘记回答第二个问题,John就追问了)
    2. 你的两个strength
    3. 你觉得你值得提升的地方
    4. what the biggest challenge do you think will be met in your study in WFU 
    5. what kind of firms would you like to work for upon graduation
    6. A misconception about you, and how you fix it

    7. 你以后想从事的工作和想去的公司
    8. 你想选哪个track?
    9. Any question for me? 
    10. Please tell me your most successful leadership experience, and what do you think are the most important factors for a successful team?
    11. 说说你跳出comfort zone的经历(New question)
    12. If you are admitted by our program, share the points that you think you can contribute to WFU and MSA program.




    15. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2019年1月15号

    【申请专业:会计硕士】 30分钟

    1. tell me about your undergradute study & university
    2. about my accouting study (我大概讲了一下why accounting之类的
    4.我的本科和交换学校,这俩学校有哪些不同,educating style之类的
    5.2 options: 2 个学期 or 3个学期with internship
    6.what other programs I applid for?
    最后Q&A 闲聊了几句。。over

    16. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2019年2月11号


    1. self-introduction
    2. why you choose accounting 
    3. why WFU
    4. what makes you unique from other candidates
    5. what do you want to get from this program
    6. short-term/ long-term goal7. what is the biggest challenge you have met so far
    8. other questions

    17. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2016年11月29号


    1.如果让你学一个random skill,你会学什么?
    2.一次别人完全rely on you to get something done的经历,what's the outcome?
    3. Outside of school and work, to what activity do you dedicate most of your time? How has this helped prepare you for the MSA program?
    4.A recent group project that you are proud to be part of. What role did you play? What contribution did you made to the group?
    6.描述一个你的role model
    8.Tell us about a time when you were assigned a task that doesn't match your skill. What was the outcome?
    9.Tell us about something you've learnt recently?
    10.Who is the leader you admire the most?
    11.What is the most meaningful accomplishment outside the classroom and work place. What is the step to this accomplishment?
    12.If someone asked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say?
    13.Give me an example of something that inspires you.
    14.An example when you were in a dysfunctional team? How could you bring everything on track?
    15.你的dream job
    16.how to handle stress
    17.If you were going to write a book, what would you call it? What would it be about?
    18.Which person in your life do you talk to the most, and why?
    19.Tell me about a time when you were assigned a role on a team that you felt was not suited to your skills. What was the outcome of this situation?
    20. What did you want to be when you were a kid? How has it changed?
    21.What do you admire about your closet friend?

    18. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2019年1月19号


    1. 介绍你是哪个国家来的+你为什么选择本科大学
    2. why msa
    3. why wfu
    4. 哪里知道的wfu
    5. 还申请了哪些学校
    6. 来wfu最大的挑战
    7. 能够给WFU带来的最大的价值
    8. 最大的失败,如何走出来
    9. 成功teamwork最重要的三个因素
    10. 你最成功的teamwork里面,你扮演了什么角色
    11. 你的supervisor如何评价你,三点
    12. 关于你的有趣的事情

    19. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2019年1月25号   录取


    • 1.self-introduction: where are you from? Why undergraduate?
    • 2.Why did you decide to pursue a master degree in accounting?
    • 3.Extensive(时间短,DDL近,etc.) team work experience
    • 4.印象深刻的team work, what’s your role?
    • 5.Please tell me your most successful leadership experience
    • 6.Two traits of you as a good team player
    • 7.What’s your unique part?(大致意思是说你与众不同的地方是什么,可以理解为优势吧……)
    • 8.Skills you can bring to WFU
    • 9.Teammates have different perspectives with you, how do you handle it?
    • 10.Long term goal
    • 11.Your favorite business leader or company you want to work for?
    • 12.Location preference
    • 13.How do you know WFU?
    • 14.Which program(two-semester/three-semester?)
    • 15.Which track(Assurance/Financial Transaction/Tax?)
    • 16.Challenges you think you will meet in MSA program?(追问:how to address this problem?)
    • 17.Interesting thing about you (not on the resume)(追问)
    • 18.What do you do in spare time?
    • 19.Other schools you are applying?
    • 20.Q & A

    20. 学生背景:美本 gpa3.5 gm 呵呵不说了低的吓人 在校做过兄弟会副主席 很多志愿者 一段国内实习 在校兼职office assisant​   面试时间:2019年2月5号

    【申请专业:会计硕士】 erica    25min

    1.why undergrad
    2.why accounting
    3.why master/wfu
    4.where do you learn about wfu
    5.top 2 skills bring to MSA program
    6.most successful leadership experience

    21. 学生背景:不详​   面试时间:2015年11月25号


    1. 最早的让你想要读会计的本科的一件事/经历
    2. 你在大学阶段就觉得你想读会计的研究生吗?或者是什么时候开始你觉得你要读一个MSA Program?
    3. 我知道你还申请了XX和XX(是的,我在网申里面写了。。)那如果都录了,你怎么选?其实就是why wake forest吧。。。
    4. 为什么要去US读master呀?不在中国读呀?
    5. why auditor
    6. 你在XX的实习什么时候结束呀(网申的时候我还在某地实习)?接下来的打算呀~
    7. 毕业以后希望在哪里工作

    22. 学生背景:不详​   面试时间:2019年1月7号

    【申请专业:会计硕士】  Kira

    1. If you won the lottery, how long would you wait to tell people? (personality)

    2. What's the first thing you notice about people? Why? (personality)

    3. Tell us your most meaningful accomplishment outside the classroom or workplace. What steps did you take to make this accomplishment happen? (group work)

    4. Tell me about a recent group project that you were proud to be a part of. What role did you play in this group, and what your unique contributions did you make to the outcome? (extracurricular activity)

    23. 学生背景:财经211 双学位 toefl 105 gmat760 gpa3.6= 一段PwC实习+两段水实习​   面试时间:2019年1月11号

    【申请专业:会计硕士】john 20分钟

    1.Where do you know about WFU
    3.internship experiences
    10.小哥哥说他准备的问题都说完了 然后我们竟然开始了一些无关话题的闲谈???
    12.然后我说看电影 我喜欢iron man 小哥哥笑了说他也喜欢

    24. 学生背景:不详​   面试时间:2017年10月20号


    1. experience that you fix something新题 大概是problem solving的意思
    2. extracurricular activity you commit yourself to
    3. a successful group project
    4. what would you notice first about people
    1. extracurricular activity you commit yourself to
    2. personal characteristics
    3. a successful group project
    4. most undervalued profession(是undervalued skill的变题)

    25. 学生背景:不详​   面试时间:2018年1月10号


    1.    The most undervalued profession nowadays.

    2.    Something that other people don’t know about you?

    3.    An academic or extracurricular activity that help you to prepare for the MSA program?

    4.    A recent group project that you are proud to be part of. What role did you play? What contribution did you made to the group?

    5.    Who inspires you the most (typing)?

    26. 学生背景:211会计专业(美国交流两年)gmat 710 toefl waive internship: 八大+银行+投资公司​   面试时间:2018年12月17号   已录

    【申请专业:会计硕士】  alshley

    1. 为什么选择你自己的本科学校
    2. 为什么选择accounting
    3. 为什么选择wfu
    4. 一个team应该有的三个characteristic
    5. 别人眼中的自己和真实的自己有什么不一样
    6. 平常空闲时间喜欢做什么
    7. leadership

    27. 学生背景:Tyler Burrows​   面试时间:2018年11月2号   已录


    1. If you were to write a book, what would you name it and what would it be about?
    2. What is something that inspires you?
    3. How does your extracurricular activity help prepare your study in MSA?
    4. One example of different opinions in a group, what did you learn?
    5. (Writing) Who is a leader you admire and why?

    28. 学生背景:美本,G720,雅思7(大森林第一轮免语言成绩,我就没有提交)GPA 3.90​   面试时间:2017年10月22号   已拒



    Q1.what is the best news you had today.
    Q2. 如果可以改变自己,你想到提升自己的什么方面 (感觉是新题)
    Q3.在你本科的学术或课外经历里,举一个事情(activity)的例子,说明这件事怎么帮助你prepare you for study in the MSA program.
    Q4.你有一次在dysfunctional的团队里的经历,你是怎么去解决问题的?怎么把团队重新拉入正轨的?How could you bring everything ontrack?

    Tyler   40分钟

    1. 自我介绍 (Howetwon, 现在你所在的城市)
    2. Why Accounting?
    3. Why WFU?
    4. Location preference?
    5. short-term/long-term career goal?
    6. 问我有没有什么concerns?
    7. 分享实习经历
    8. 对于group projects, 说3个你觉得最重要的应该具备的characteristics
    9. Q&A

    29. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2016年1月30号   已录

    【申请专业:会计硕士】    Jennifer   25分钟

    1.introduce your accounting background (我连着career goal和why USA一起讲了
    4. 实习的时候想去加州还是东岸(因为我之前提到申请了加州的学校因为喜欢那里的天气,然后career goal是financial service之类的在东岸会比较多position)
    5. 选学校时你最看重的几点是什么
    6. 为什么quit了之前的工作

    30. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2018年3月27号  

    【申请专业:会计硕士】Tyler Burrows 30-40分钟左右

    1.tell me about yourself and why undergrad
    2.Why major, why minor
    3.Why Master in Accounting
    4.Internship, tell me more
    5.Short term career goal
    6.Long term career goal
    7.Biggest accomplishments at school
    8.What would you do differently about your undergrad
    9.Location preference
    10.What is your strength
    11.What is some area needing improvement
    12.Concerns and questions about the program

    31. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2018年1月17号  已拒

    【申请专业:会计硕士】半小时 kira

    1. Why your undergraduate school?
    2. the starting point of accounting
    3. a common misconception about you, how you fix it
    4. how do your friends think about you? two positive and two negative
    5. three words to describe yourself 
    6. How do you think our program can help you achieve your long-term goal
    7. other program
    8. Q&A

    32. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2018年2月2号  


    1.one thing you want to change of the world
    2.Describe one of your role models. Why do you look up to them?
    3.Outside of school and work, what is the activity you've most committed yourself to? Why?
    4.在dysfunctional team怎么办?How could you bring everything on track

    33. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2018年1月29号  wl

    【申请专业:会计硕士】Briana Brewer  33min

    1.why undergraduate school?
    2.why MSA?
    3.why MSA program in WFU?
    4.what other programs do you apply?我说了UIUC发现她并不知道这是哪个学校XD,所以大家以后还是说全称啊全称
    5.what's your long-term goal?
    6.the accomplishment you are proud of?
    7.your friends say what are the two things you need to improve?
    8.two skills you can bring to the program?我说我在团队里会鼓励他人,被追问了怎么鼓励
    9.the biggest challenge when applying for the MSA program?
    10. the resources to keep informed?
    11.city preference in the US

    34. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2018年2月1号  


    1. tell me about yourself
    2. why you choose your undergraduate school
    3. why msa
    4. why auditing(这个算是follow-up,但是忘了是哪一题的follow-up惹,,
    5. why WFU
    6. how do you deal with disappointment
    7. what are the three positive things your peers say about you
    8. how do you stay informed
    9. how do you stay organized 
    10.challenges you think you will meet in MSA program
    11.other program? 
    12. a piece of professional advice that influences you
    13. tell me more about ...(resume-- follow up
    14. skills you can bring to WFU
    15. misconceptions of you 
    16. what makes you want to study accounting

    35. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2018年1月10号  


    1. Outside school and work, to what activity do you dedicate most of your time? How has this helped you for the MSA program? 
    2. What advice would you give to yourself as a 12-year-old child?
    3.  一次组员有不同意见看法的团队经历,how did you manage it?
    4. What are your personal characteristics? Some of your best characteristics?

    36. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2018年1月18号  

    【申请专业:会计硕士】Erica Crutch

    1.why undergraduate schoolwhy accounting

    2.2 skills can bring to gruaduate program

    3.3 important factors for a team, 

    4.what charactristics do you think are important to a mentor you admire(这道题没见过回答的时候有点懵逼),

    5.how do you stay organized, do you meet any challange 

    6.do you have a time that you feel competitive and how do you handle it?

    37. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2017年11月14号  已录


    • 1.Where are you from
    • 2.Why Accounting
    • 3.Why MSA
    • 4.Why Wake Forest
    • 5.Three characteristic of a  good team
    • 6.Two traits of you as a good team player
    • 7.City preference
    • 8.Track Preference

    38. 学生背景:RUC,720,3.57,7.5(6),两个实习,一个小奖学金   面试时间:2017年11月6号  已录


    1.What is the most meaningful accomplishment outside the classroom or work place? What is the step to this accomplishment?
    2.你有一次在dysfunctional的团队里的经历,你是怎么去解决问题的?怎么把团队重新拉入正轨的?How could you bring everything on track?
    3.一次别人完全rely on you to get something done的经历,what's the outcome?
    4.What did you want to be when you were a kid? How has it changed?

    Tiffany Watson



    39. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2018年1月12号  已录

    【申请专业:会计硕士】Tiffany Watson   25分钟

    1.Why did you choose your undergraduate school
    2.Why did you choose your undergraduate major and minor (前半部分说完以后就过了,她没接着问minor)
    3.Why MSA
    4.Why Wake Forest 
    5.(Resume question) tell me more about this XXX
    6.Three things that your friend say about you 
    7.A misconception of you from others and how do you handle it 
    8.A piece of professional advice that influences you the most + follow up question
    9.What challenges do you expect to meet in the MSA program 
    10.How do you handle disappointment 
    11.How do you stay informed 
    12.How do you stay organized 
    13.Other programs that you are applying for 
    14.What factors will you take into consideration to choose from all these programs (面经里没见过,但大家申请时其实都考虑过这个问题,所以临场发挥就行了)

    40. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2017年12月13号  wl

    【申请专业:会计硕士】John Montana 35min

    1. self-intro,以及追问我的新实习(说为啥不update,简历上木有,我说我前两天发邮件了呀。。。。)
    2. why undergraduate university
    3. why MSA program
    4. why WFU and how did U hear about WFU (我只答了前一半,木有追问)
    5. what challenges do you expect to meet in this program
    6. successful teamwork experience and what do you think is the most important factor for a sucessful team
    7. what makes good leadership 
    8. how do you stay informed
    9. your favorite author (这个问题答了一半,电话突然断了,再次接上之后John小哥就直接问下个问题了,开心。。。。
    10. why this track
    11. other program you applied
    12. Q&A

    41. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2017年10月30号  


    1. What do you think is the most undervalued profession in our society? (感觉是新题。之前准备的时候准备到了undervalued skill,但没想到问到的是undervalued profession)
    2. Talk bout your most meaningful accomplishment outside campus and workplace. What is your steps towards that accomplishment? 
    3. What is your most important characteristics?
    4. Talk about one of your successful group project.

    42. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2017年12月8号  


    1.why undergrad university
    2.why accounting major in undergraduate
    3.why MSA program
    4.how do you think MSA program in wake forest
    5.any questions about our program?
    6.why XXX track
    7.how do you stay organized with DDLs
    8.how do you keep yourself informed
    9.any experince that you challenge the position of a team member+follow up
    10.any minsconception from others?  how do you handle it?
    11.two skills you can bring to this program
    12.how friends say about you? two positive+two negative
    13.any question?

    43. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2017年11月21号  


    1.if let you change onething of the world, which would you choose?
    2.some of your bestcharacteristics
    3. Outside school and work,to what activity do you dedicate most of your time?
    4.一次组员有不同意见看法的团队经历,how didyou manage it?

    44. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2017年11月9号  

    【申请专业:会计硕士】John White  30分钟

    1. Why your undergraduate school?
    2. Career goal (short-term + long-term)
    3. Internship做了什么
    4. Characteristics of an effective team
    5. 如果你要向MSA的新同学介绍你自己,你会介绍什么
    6. Why WFU
    7. What do you expect to be the biggest challenge in your graduate study in MSA program
    8. 可以contribute to the program的两点
    8. The way you keep tasks and projects organized.
    9. How do you keep yourself informed.
    10. 为什么选择我交换的这个学校
    11. 在法国怎么和别人交流,说法语还是说英语

    45. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2016年2月7号  已拒


    1. 怎么到的本科学校,本科专业
    2. why accounting
    3. why wfu
    4. summer internship,LZ的实习都是环环相扣的,只说SUMMER立马傻眼,问TYLER只说summer吗,他说的是summer必须说,其他随意。。。so,大家看着办
    5. 没有internship的summer干嘛去了,楼主答的旅游,他追问了还记得去哪里旅游了吗?lz一时没想起来,也没想起来随便编一个,于是很实诚地说我去太多地方,实在是忘了。。。

    46. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2017年11月7号  


    1. the scariest experience?
    2. the person who influenced you most?
    3. tell me about a time when you were assigned a role on a team that you felt was not suited to your skills. What was the outcome of this situation?
    4. Talk about your most meaningful accomplishment outside campus and workplace. What is your steps towards that accomplishment?

    47. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2017年10月29号  


    1. 对你影响最大的一个人
    2. accomplishment
    3. teamwork disagreements 怎么解决
    4. favorite childhood memory

    48. 学生背景:不详   面试时间:2016年11月11号    已录


    1.如果让你学一个random skill,你会学什么
    2.一次别人完全rely on you to get something done的经历,what's the outcome?
    3. academic or extracurricular activity,你觉得帮助你prepared for MSA program.
    4. A recent group project that you are proud to be part of. What role did you play? What contribution did you made to the group?

    二面:Tyler Burrows 25min

    1.      Tell me about yourself: whereyou grew up, why accounting

    2.      Why WFU(我提到WFU就业率很高,小哥很开心地说他们昨天刚庆祝完最后一个学生拿到full time 的offer 2333)

    3.      Alternative plan if no offer

    4.      Something not on your resume

    5.      分享一下这个summer的两份实习

    6.      Track preference and why

    7.      Which city



    Tue May 21 11:58:36 CST 2019