

    1.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2016年3月26号  已录

    【申请专业:会计 MACC Master of Accounting

    1. What's your best mistake? 
    2.You are at a client meeting and your managing director is giving a presentation. You suddenly notice a mistake in some of the calculations which you have done for the presentation. Do you tell him or her? When? What do you say? 

    2.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2014年1月8号  

    【申请专业:会计 MACC Master of Accounting】Emily

    4.你small business的经历主要啥内容。
    8.你有什么under pressure的事情 如何overcome

    3.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月20号  

    【申请专业:会计 MACC Master of Accounting】Jessic  20分钟

    1.why master
    2.Why Schulich
    3.A time you use analytical skills to do a work
    4.A time you change the process to do work
    5.Quality to succeed in accounting
    6.Qualities of a functional team
    7.What you did when work with difficult teammates

    4.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月17号    已录

    【申请专业:会计 MACC Master of Accounting】Jessica

    • 1.career plan
    • 2.goal of this year
    • 3.what you do for your community
    • 4.why master program
    • 5.why schulich
    • 6.what you can bring to schulich community
    • 7.quality to success in this field
    • 8.dysfunctional team, how to deal with
    • 9.process information and analyse it to make a decision, give an example
    • 10.what you do to make sure a team work
    • 11.what you do to overcome pressure
    • 12.a time you have to change your process of doing your work

    5.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2016年2月6号    已录

    【申请专业:会计 MACC Master of Accounting】Boris Remes

    1. why Schulich?
    2. long term and short term career goal?
    3. why did you choose the referees?
    4. how do you handle pressure? any example? 
    5. 然后问了我一些会计学了什么课 econ学了什么课什么的

    6.学生背景:加拿大Honor Acct本科,gpa 3.75/4。Gmat 580(很低求不吐槽)。国内四大、bdo实习 面试时间:2016年4月8号    已录

    【申请专业:会计 MACC Master of Accounting】Lindsay  30分钟

    1. Why Schulich
    2. Why apply graduate school? How could it help you?
    3. Short-term and Long-term goal
    4. How do you define teamwork?
    5. 遇到dysfuctional team怎么办?(回答建议举例子,加感想)
    6. 当你要做decision的时候,你是如何收集信息和参考的,process是什么?
    7. tell me one time you were under huge pressure when you worked at KMPG. How did you handle it?
    8. leadership

    7.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年3月15号    

    【申请专业:会计 MACC Master of Accounting】Boris

    1.    Tellme about yourself.

    2.    YourShort term and Long term goal.

    3.    Whatdo you want to do after graduate, auditing or tax?

    4.    Whatwill make you success in your career?

    5.  Worstdecision made in the past?

    6.  Whatunique feature you will bring to Schulich? /Whatare some contributions you would bring to Schulich?

    7.    Why do you want to participate MAcc Program?

    8.    What kindof personal traits will help you withaccounting study?

    9.  Experienceabout under pressure but overcome the difficulties?Something didn’t meet your expectation and how did youovercome it?

    10.    How do you deal with conflicts in a team?


    Fri May 24 17:36:04 CST 2019