

    1. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月17日;录取结果:AD

    【申请专业:MS in Accounting, MSA】


    1. What was your most challenging undergraduate course and why?

    2. What's 3 "must" factors in a university

    3. What makes you different from other candidates


    1. Short-term and long-term career goal

    2. What do you consider your strengths? Areas for improvement?

    3. 你在上次的employment 中最难忘的part是什么,如果有机会你会怎么样改善?

    4. Tell me a situation that shows your initiative

    5. A time when your work was criticized and what was your reaction

    6. What do you look for in universities in terms of culture?

    7. Please describe the time when you had to give someone negative feedback

    8. 有没有经历过conflict,在其中的role,最后如何解决的

    9. Give an example of a time you were assigned a task you did not want to do and how you motivated yourself to do it.

    10. Tell me about your last trip 

    11. Tell me one thing that is not on your resume but will make you stand out

    12. What's makes you different from other candidate

    13. What's 3 "musts" factors in a university life

    14. Talk about a leader who is inspiring. Why?

    15. What was your most challenging undergraduate course and why?

    16. Have you ever experienced an ethic dilemma? What was it? How did you do? What would you do if you have another chance to handle the dilemma?

    17. 在graduate program中,你觉得会遇到的challenge是什么?怎么克服?


    • Decision: UR MSBA ($10%)
    • Offer: Syracuse MSA ($7500)/Case MSBA ($7500+5000)
    • AD: CUHK MAcc/Bentley MSA/UMD MSA/GWU MAcc/UPitts MAcc


    2. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年1月15日

    【申请专业:MS in Accounting, MSA】


    1. Have you ever faced an ethical dilemma either in your personal or professional life?

      What was it? How did you resolve it? Would you do it again exactly the same way or would you change your behavior and why?

    2. Tell me about a leader that you find inspiring? Why?

    3. What do you think your references said about you?

    4. What was your most challenging undergraduate course and why?

    5. Tell me 3 important factors you think are "musts" for a student life in a university.

    6. Please describe the time when you had to give someone negative feedback.

    7. What do you find most satisfying about your most recent employment experience? What would you change if you could?

    8. Where did you travel to? How did you like it?

    9. Tell me about a situation in which you showed initiative.

    10. Give an example of a time you were assigned a task you did not want to do and how you motivated yourself to do it.

    11. What challenges do you think you might face in the graduate program? How are you prepared to handle those challenges?

    12. What do you consider your strengths? Areas for improvement?

    13. Take 90 seconds and walk me through the highlights of your work experience.

    14. What are your career goals both short term and long term?

    15. What sets you apart from other candidates for this program?

    16. Tell me one thing that is not on your resume but will make you stand out.

    17. Tell me about what you did when your team was in a conflict.有没有经历过conflict,在其中的role,最后如何解决的.

    18. What do you look for in universities in terms of culture.

    19. Describe a mistake you made and how you handle it.

    20. 实习中收获最大的是什么?

    21. Give self-introduce talk about yourself.

    22. How do you deal with negative feedback from your work? A time when your work was criticized and what was your reaction.

    23. One mistake you made and how you improve it? 一个professional experience中的重大过错,你的反应?如何处理的?

    24. Tell us about when you faced a difficult professional situation.How did you handle it and what did you learn?

    3. 985  2016年3月14日  被拒

    【申请专业:MS in Accounting, MSA】


    1. Whatis your favorite book?

    2. Describe one thing that you are proud of? what is your most proud thing?

    3. If you could fly to anywhere in the world, free of charge, where would you want togo, why?

    4. If you have a smart phone, what’s your favorite app, and why?

    5. Throughout your academic experiences, who was your favorite teacher? How did they have animpact on you?

    6. Describea dream you recent have.

    7. What parts of your life areyou most disciplined in? Why do you think that is?v

    8. What do you do outside of work.

    9. Tell us about a personal attribute that has helped you the most in getting you towhere you are today.

    10. If you had a day of vacation and unlimited resources, how would you spend the day?

    11. What would you do if your expectations of your job was having a negative impact onyour personal relationships?

    12. Albert Einstein once said, "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, butimagination." What does this mean to you, and do you agree or disagreewith it?

    13. What is your favourite city or town, and why?


    1. How do you think yourrecommender comment on you?

    What do you think your references said aboutyou?

    2. One mistake you made and how you improveit?

    一个professional experience中的重大过错,你的反应?如何处理的 1

    3. Tell us about when you faced a difficult professional situation.How did you handle it and what did you learn?

    4. How do you deal with negative feedbackfrom your work?

    A time when your work was criticized and whatwas your reaction

    5. Please describe the time when you had to give someone  negative feedback.

    6. self-introducetalk about yourself

    7. Have you ever faced an ethical dilemma either in your personal or professional life?  What was it? How did you resolve it? Would you do it again exactly the same way or would you change your behavior and why?

    8. 实习中收获最大的是什么

    9. Take90 seconds and walk me through the highlights of your work experience.

    10. lastemployment, if you have a chance, what do you want to improve

    你在上次的employment 中最难忘的part是什么,如果有机会你会怎么样改善?

    What do you find mostsatisfying about your most recent employment experience? What would you change if you could?

    11. Whatare your career goals both short term and long term?

    12.Tell me one thing that is not on your resume but will make you stand out

    13. What doyou consider your strengths? Areas for improvement

    14. What sets you apart from other candidates for this program?

    15. tell me about asituation that shows your initiative  1

    16. tell me about what you did when yourteam was in a conflict.   1


    17. tell me about your last trip

    18. What was your most challenging undergraduate course and why?

    19. Tellme 3 important factors you think are "musts" for a student life in auniversity.

    20. Whatdo you look for in universities in terms of culture

    21. 在graduate program中,你觉得会遇到的challenge是什么?怎么克服?

    22. Give an example of a time you were assigned atask you did not want to do and how you motivated yourself to do it.

    23. a person that inspires you, why

    Tell me about a leader that you find inspiring? Why?


    • 985小本,文科转MSA;T93 G690 GPA4.44/5 
    • Apply: Binghamton(Rej)、Bentley(Rej)、Clark(AD)、DePaul($5000 Decision)、UTD(AD)、Albany(AD)

    4. 985  2015年12月31日

    【申请专业:MS in Accounting】   Kira


    1. Describe a mistake that you have made and how you handled it?

    2. Desrcibe you work that has been critized and what's your reaction?

    3. What do you think your references said about you?


    • 国内211 985学校,本科国贸,GPA3.1 托福95,有银行,国企财务部,以及会计事务所实习经验,以及德国慕尼黑工业大学的海外交流经验


    5.不详 2016年1月17日

    【申请专业:MS in Accounting


    1. What was your most challenging undergraduate course and why?

    2. what's 3 "must" factors in a university

    3. what makes you different from other candidates

    6.不详 2015年11月9日

    【申请专业:MS in Accounting


    1. A time when your work was criticized and what was your reaction

    2. what do you look for in universities interms of culture? 

    3. Please describe the time when you had to give someone negative feedback.

    7.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年3月2日  已录

    【申请专业:MS in Accounting】13min

    1、 对accounting 的兴趣
    2、Why bentley
    3、why study in america (这个好像是她根据我的回答突然补充想问的 我之前没准备到这个问题 答的很卡……悲剧)
    4、 How doyou think your recommender comment on you? 这是很多前辈提过的在bentley video interview 题库里面的题目
    5、对她提问 我当时问的是bentley 对international students的帮助有哪些


    Mon Apr 29 11:53:41 CST 2019