



    学生:Hi, is that professor ...

    教授:yes, speaking

    学生:Hi, this is ...

    教授:Oh, hi, how are u

    学生:Good, thanks

    教授:Did you submit the application to Princeton?

    学生:Yes, blablabl


    教授:Do you use FEM?


    教授:did you made code or use commercial software.

    学生:Commercial software.

    教授:Did you make the solver or use the available solver.

    学生:I use the available sovler, blabla.

    教授:What research did you do in college and graudate school, and for what part did you use FEM

    学生:(talk about my research,blablabla),what numerical methods do you use?

    教授:For fluid mechanics, we use ...., for .., we use......We need students to completely understand FEM.


    教授:What is your contribution to your lated published paper?

    学生:I derived a new equation to take ...into account.blablabla

    教授:What is the importance of that contribution?

    学生:....Well....well..ok, that is hard to explain....(因为这个教授不是我的领域的,所以我解释了半天她也不懂)

    教授:Well, I just want to make sure you really understand the fundamental of this research.some students of mine just use FEM to solve an equation,they do not really understand what they are doing.

    学生:Ok, I see your point. Basically, I only use FEM as a tool. but the paper is based on my own theory which is extended from XXX theory.

    教授:Ok.good. did you read professor xx's recently paper?

    学生:No, I did not know that.

    教授:Ok,so i actually have another two candidates, , I will see who is more proper for my group, they are also good students. I can only take one more Ph.D., because I have a post Doc. who is occupying most of the funds.

    学生:Sure, I understand.

    教授:If you have any question, write e-mail to my students...and pls send me your paper and CV again.


    教授:Ok, talk to you later.

    学生:Ok, bye.



    Fri May 27 17:59:29 CST 2016