

    1.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年3月15号


    1. introduce yourself
    2.uniqueness and why makes you a great candidate for ic
    3. feedback,how was it useful
    4. tell the most memorable experience you work with a team, how you contribute to the team
    5. written: draft a message to ceo
    6. factors for a successful business sector


    2.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月17号


    1. 自我介绍
    2. what's unique about you and what will it help with your study in IC?
    3. a time you receive an unexpected feedback and what do you respond?
    4. imagine you have a different opinion with the rest in the team, what would you do and why
    5.作文:给一个在心仪公司工作的校友写信介绍自己 250词(这个作文真的全程紧张到手抖打不够字数......)
    6. what business sector do you think will shrink the most in the future? /a company that you admire its strategy and why


    1.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年3月1号

    【申请专业:国际项目管理 IEM international event management】

    1. 讲一个需要motivate自己才度过了的难关
    2. 团队来了新同事,怎么建立relationship
    3. hobby,pursue high level
    4. 写作:实习表现不是很好,写 thank and farewell letter
    5. 专业题是 如何generate idea.


    Mon May 06 15:32:34 CST 2019