

    1. 学生背景:211;面试时间:2018年1月22日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)】

    1.walk through your resume 1min
    2.how Brandeis ibs will help you achieve your dream job 1.30min
    3. complicated things you are good at while others are 2min
    written 蹦极和跳伞喜欢哪个5min



    waiting list

    2. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2019年1月14日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)】kira

    1、what would you want to gain from graduate school? what is different from your undergraduate school?(大致意思是这样)
    2.1 what is the famous travel destination you would like to go?(这道题答到一半突然闹钟响了……吓得我赶紧刷新了一次,大家录得时候要确保房间里没有闹钟啊)
    2.2 what would your classmates be surprised to learn about you?
    3、the last book you read? why didi you choose it? did it live up to your expectation

    3. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年11月8日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)】kira

    1.      What would your classmates be surprised to learn about you?
    2.      what's the Famous destination you want to go?
    3.      What is most challenging for you in graduate school?
    4.      Describe a time when you want to quit but didn't, will you happy with you decision, will you make the decision now.
    5.      选择三个人吃饭的那个
    6.      Conflicts with colleagues
    7.      Leadership experience and your leadership style
    8.      简历上没有的事
    9.      What does graduate school excite you most?
    10.   What kind of job posting excites you the most, what's the difference between this job positing and other job posting?
    11.   Assume you have two job offers in the same city. Job A is at a large, prestigious company but the salary is lower than expected. Job B is at a lesser known company and the salary is higher. How would you make your decision on which job offer to accept?
    12.   When you have a problem, whom do you approach for advice, and why

    4. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2019年1月16日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)】kira

    Q1. A job posting that would excite you. What would have to be different from this posting compared to others?
    Q2. Tell us a time you were a leader and what you learned about leadership style.
    Q3. If you know you will never fail, what will you do?
    Q4. 你最想和哪三个人吃饭?

    5. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2019年1月18日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)】

    (1) 从一次leadership经历中学到一些什么


    (3)writting: the last movie you have seen

    6. 学生背景:211 MKT本科,GPA3.83,T110,G327+4,tier3咨询实习一年+500强mkt实习+nielsen数据分析实习,3个创新创业大赛市奖,自学Python和R;面试时间:2018年1月27日  已录

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)】

    • 1.Go through resume and explain why you made some choices(必答题,准备30s,回答60s)
    • 2.what is a perfect day?(准备30s,回答90s)
    • 3.What motivates you when you’re under pressure or if things don’t go according to plan?(准备30s,回答90s)
    • 4.写作:favorite number and why(计时5min)

    7. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2019年1月20日  

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)】Kira

    1.        A job posting that would excite you. What would have to be different from this posting compared to others?
    2.        Tell us a time you were a leader and what you learned about leadership style.
    3.        If you know you will never fail, what will you do?
    4.        你最想和哪三个人吃饭
    5.        what is a perfect day?
    6.        想在哪个organization/cause中工作 
    7.        Describe a time when you had a conflict with a colleague. How did you handle it? In hindsight, would youhandle it the same way now?
    8.        What's the famous destination you want to visit and why?
    1.        favorite number and why(计时5min)
    2.        what you can never resist on a restaurant menu
    3.        the last movie you have seen
    4.        What is most challenging foryou in graduate school ?

    8. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2019年1月23日  

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)】kira

    1. leadership experience and leadership style
    2. tell me something I can't know about you through the application

    How do you deal with problems when there aren't clear solutions?


    1.What is most challenging for you in graduate school?

    2. What is the last book you read? Why did you choose it? Did it live up to your expectation?

    9. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2019年1月23日  

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)】

    1. 你准备在研究生阶段获得什么?和本科生时有何不同?
    2. 你最喜欢的一句motto是什么?它inspires你什么?
    3. (writing) What new thing you were happy you tried

    10. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年1月17日  

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)】

    1.必答题:go through your resume and why did you make these choices. (60s)
    2.who is your role model and why(90s)
    3.What’s the most challenging course you’ve taken? Why? How to overcome?(90s)
    4.what technology brings you most joy(写作5分钟)

    11. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年11月5日  

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)】

    1. 描述一个你曾经想要放弃的时刻,你高兴你的决定吗?如今你还会做同样的决定吗
    2. 选择三个人吃饭的那个
    3. 我电脑自动死机了又来了一道题:简历外的事情

    typing: 1.   What is most challenging for you in graduate school?


    12. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年11月6日  

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)】

    1 你有困难的时候找谁 为啥
    2 graduate school中你最想得到什么 和本科有啥区别
    3 professors最常说你有啥redeemed quality,又经常给你什么别的意见
    4 what book do u think every child should read

    13. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年11月16日  

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)】

    1.  tell your leadership experience and what you learned about your leadership style?
    2. What book do you read for pleasure? Only one genre or many different genres?
    What do you think is the most challenging in graduate school? (我是按照what does graduate school excite you most的口语题套用的写的)

    14. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年1月14日    已录

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)】

    1. walk through your resume and tell us why did you make some important decisions
    2. a latest book you read, does it live up to your expectation
    3. what is your professional weakness, what are you doing to work on it
    4. writing: favorite hobby

    15. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年1月23日    

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)】kira

    1. 常规  
    2. biggest academic success & failure 
    3. 3-5 factors that motivate for your job  
    4. 写作:什么让你快乐...这个题目也是很直白

    16. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年2月15日    

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)】kira

    Q1. In one minute, go through your resume and explain why you made some choices我根本就没有讲完。。
    二、三题, 30s准备,90s回答:
    Q2.how would your professors describe you
    Q3.What has been your greatest professional weakness, and how are you working on it?
    Q4.Do you prefer to live in the countryside or in the city?

    17. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年1月22日    

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)】kira

    1. Resume question (30s prepare + 60s speak)
    后两题都是(30s prepare + 90s speak)
    2. 你跟 Brandeis University 或者这个Brandeis International School 有没有什么share的values...
    3. Define success and your strategies to achieve it.
    4. What kind of weather is your favorite? (Typing)

    18. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年1月4日    

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)】kira

    第一题常规题 go through your resume and explain why you made some choice
    2. how would your professor describe you
    后来断线了,又出了一题是three words to describe yourself
    3. 具体记不太清楚,就是描述你跳出常规想出新办法解决问题的例子
    4. written题 what ice cream flavor do you like


    1. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年11月3日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing Analytics (MSMA)】

    Q1: 当你遇到困难的时候会向谁求助,为什么。
    Q2: What's the famous destination you want to visit, and why.

    2. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2019年1月14日

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing Analytics (MSMA)】

    1. What most excites you in graduate school?
    2. 说两个你admire的人, one you know and one you don't know,为什么, 他们的共同点在什么地方?
    3. Writing: a book you rcently read, what is your expectation before reading this book, do it really live up to your expectation?

    3. 学生背景:211财经金融本  G730, T104, GPA3.9  申请B家时有哪些实习经历记不太清了,可能是“水*1+四大行+四大咨询+基金”,或者减去基金经历  交换半年  若干奖;面试时间:2018年11月4日     已录   25000奖

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing Analytics (MSMA)】


    Q1: Tell us about a time when you were a leader and what you learned from your leadership style.
    Q2: What would your classmates be surprised to learn about you?

    刷了一次,第一次的题目没看懂,貌似是学什么meal能让你cook perfectly。我作为一个做饭白痴完全不知道是什么鬼。
    第二次:What is most challenging for you in graduate school?

    4. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年11月7日     

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing Analytics (MSMA)】

    1.go thru your resume ( 1min)
    2. have dinner with three people, live or died, why? (1.5 mins)
    3. collaborative and group work experience, what did you learn from it (1.5 mins)
    4. your favorite music (5 mins)    written

    5. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2015年10月5日     

    【申请专业:Master of Science in Marketing Analytics (MSMA)】




    Tue May 21 11:28:48 CST 2019