

    1.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年3月21号

    【申请专业:应用分析】  9分钟

    1. why AA
    2. technical core or managment core
    3. team work experience
    4. favorite class in college
    5. least favorte class
    5. work ethic?(因为lz已经工作了)
    6. what did you learn from work?
    7. list three good qualities of yourself and explain



    2.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月31号

    【申请专业:应用分析】  Stephanie


    1. Why AA program
    2. management core和 technical core,认为哪个core更能帮到你 (感觉要对课程设置非常熟悉)
    追问:认为management core会帮到你什么(因为我上题说了认为technical core对我帮助更大,作死…感觉说两个都能帮助到,再分别阐述一下比较好)
    3. 团队合作经历
    4. 本科阶段最喜欢的课
    5. 职业道路
    6. 如何定义success

    3.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月9号


    1. what is a challenge you encounter in your professional life
    2. Why AA program?
    3. if not AA, what is your career path?
    4. What is your approach to tackle a task?
    5. 3 strengths

    4.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月15号

    【申请专业:应用分析】  13分钟

    1. why AA program?
    2. If not AA, what's your career path?
    3. What's the challenge you encounter in your professional life?
    4. How to tackle the task?
    5. What's your programming experience?
    6. Work style?
    7. 有个问题是闲聊的哈哈哈

    5.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年3月25号

    【申请专业:应用分析】  victoria 18分钟

    1. why aa
    2. career path and dream job
    追问:which industry
    追问:why this industry attracts you
    3. if not AA, what's ur career path?
    4. what did u learn from work?
    这个题貌似有好多的变体呀 我先答了internship中的,她又问关于和同事领导相处中学到了什么,我又答了个teamwork的
    5. 你工作中遇到的challenge?
    6. 本科阶段使你超出预期地喜欢的课程

    6.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月28号


    1. Why AA program?
    2. Management core and technical core, which can help you more?
    3. A teamwork experience
    4. 讲一个assignment
    5. 本科阶段最喜欢的课
    6. 如何定义success

    7.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年3月11号


    1. what does BA mean to you 
    2. What do you want to gain from the program 
    3. talk about one experience from your CV 
    4. How do you define ethics 

    8.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年4月23号

    【申请专业:应用分析】  Elena   10分钟

    3.你的working style是什么?

    9.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年4月25号

    【申请专业:应用分析】  Elena   10分钟

    1. AA如何帮助你实现career goals
    2. technical core和management core哪个对你更有帮助
    3. presentation的经历
    4. least interesting course
    5. 如何定义成功

    10.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年4月24号

    【申请专业:应用分析】Davy  15分钟

    1. Why AA
    2. Career plan
    3. Management core vs technical core (上官网查,这个不知道基本凉了)
    4. 哪一个本科课程你一开始觉得会无聊,但是之后却发觉很有趣。

    11.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年4月25号

    【申请专业:应用分析】Colleen   10分钟

    1. Why AA
    2. Career plan
    3. how to tackle task
    4. dream job 不考虑任何因素,最想做什么
    5. presentation experience
    6. teamwork experience 有什么帮助,有什么困难
    7. 本科最喜欢什么课,最不喜欢什么课

    12.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年4月27号

    【申请专业:应用分析】Amorelli  13分钟

    2以后的career path是什么
    3team work 遇到的一个困难

    13.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年3月27号   被拒


    1.what you will contribute to your classmates and this program?2.what course or faculty in this program you want to learn /like most?
    3.how will your professor describe you?

    14.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年5月8号  


    1. your favorite professor in your undergraduate study

    2. what do you want to learn in this program

    3. what motivates you and why

    15.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年4月16号  


    1. What are some activities you did in your undergraduate years that you think was important during your student experience?
    (另一个版本 what are some activities you did in your undergraduate years that you think you benefited a lot from? )
    2. What do you think this program would help you in your future career?
    3. 写作 How to be an organized person and how would you prioritize the multiple/competing deadlines?

    16.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年5月1号  


    1. Have you ever met someone who was hard to work with in your team? How's the result? (20sec,2min)

    2. What's your favorite undergraduate study subject? Why? (20sec,2min)

    3. 写作: What's your most proud achievement? Why? (15min)

    17.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年4月30号  


    1. Have you ever met someone who was hard to work with in your team? How's the result? (20sec,2min)

    2. What's your favorite undergraduate study subject? Why? (20sec,2min)

    3. 写作: What's your most proud achievement? Why? (15min)

    18.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年3月27号  



    1. what you can contribute to your classmates or this program

    2. what courses or faculties you want to learn or like most


    1. if let your professors or boss describe you,what will they say?

    19.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年4月17号  


    口语1: what are some activities you did in your undergraduate years that you think you benefited a lot from? 
    口语2:how would our prgogram help you for your future career and why do you choose us?
    写作:how would you manage your multiple/competing deadlines?

    20.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年4月11号  


    1、How did you learn about thisprogram and what made you decide to apply?
    2、Where do you see yourselfin 3-5 years and what will you be doing?


    Describea time when you had to change priority due to an unexpected event. (大概)


    Describea time when you had to change priority due to unforeseen circumstance.

    21.学生背景:美本 GPA 3.75 business management (focus finance)& economics major 金融实习4段  1 big name  1 华尔街投行   创业经历1段 面试时间:2018年4月29号  


    1.Why AA
    2.team work experience
    3.least favorite class
    4. favorite class
    5.big challenge you encounter in your professional life

    22.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年4月29号  

    【申请专业:应用分析】  Stephanie

    1.why aa

    2.如果不去aa,career path会是怎样
    3.work ethic or work style
    4.presentation experience
    5.internship experience
    6.favourite class
    7. how do you defince success

    23.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年4月29号  

    【申请专业:应用分析】Elena   10分钟

    1. What do you plan to do after graduation from AA?
    2. How can AA help your career path?
    3. Which can help you more, management core or technical core?
    4. Which is the least interesting class at undergraduate study?
    5. What's your programming experience?

    24.学生背景:普通71党  无存在感985金融本 面试时间:2019年3月12号  


    第一部分: Video 
    1. Why NYC
    2. the most difficult lesson in undergraduate study

    第二部分: Writing 
    your typical position on a team and your track to do team assignment (大概)

    25.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年5月9号  


    1.        why aa program
    2.        If you are admitted by aa, what is the influence for you career? 
    3.        management core and technical core which one can help you more (you will choose which one)
    4.        how to/ what is your approach to tackle a task 
    5.        what is the challenge you encounter in your professional life  
    6.        what do you need to improve in your professional life 
    7.        experience about solving an analytical problem in your professional life
    8.        work style
    9.        work ethic 
    10.        what did you learn from work or what did you learn from work with your colleague and leaders 
    11.        you think management core will help what for you 
    12.        a teamwork experience. 
    13.        what is your favorite class in your undergraduate?
    14.        What your least favorite class (least interesting
    15.        career path (after aa) and dream job-which industry-why the industry attracts you
    16.        how you define success
    17.         list three good qualities(strength) of yourself and explain
    18.        Tell me an assignment 
    19.        What is your programming experience
    20.        Tell me one of your presentation experience
    21.        An experience you enjoy and why you find it meaningful

    26.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年5月3号  


    1. Why aa?
    2. What do you see yourself in 5 years? 
    3. Why do you see yourself in that way?
    4. 3 words to describe yourself.


    Fri May 24 14:29:12 CST 2019