

    1.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年5月9号

    【申请专业:信息系统  MSIS】

    1. Dream job/career
    2. how do you acknowledge accomplishments of fellow teammates
    3. situation you were able to identify a certain factor that was contributing to a problem. 
    4.        What activities you most committed to? How does it help you in your graduate study at Heinz?
    5. Describe a situation you had different perspectives compared to your teammates
    6.        Describe the most complex problem you were faced with and how you generated a new approach or explanation for that solution.
    7.        How do you handle the situation if a student is disrespectable to a professor?I will try to not escalate the situation.
    8.        An example you react quickly to an important decision./hard situation
    9.        Tell us which steps you have taken to prepare yourself for this program professionally and academically. 
    10.        Tell me more about your first paid job.
    11.        tell me a project in which you offered great help to teammates
    12.        Which assistance your teammates once provided you
    13.        Fail project/fail experience-one mistaken 
    14. 最喜欢的超能力
    15.        最喜欢的电影
    16.        回到10000年前或10000年后 
    17.        tell me an interesting thing about you which isn't shown on the application
    18.        Your important or proudest achievement-high school worst student to top student
    19.        If you could have meal with any two people, past or present, who will be and why
    20.        What do you do most of the time other than study and work 
    21.        Most innovative idea that you have ever come up with?
    22.        Solve a problem after considering the advantages and limitations of several options
    23.        Share an experience when you manage to control your emotion when facing a difficult taskAt the Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon University, we pride ourselves in our ability to multi-task. Tell us about a time when you had multiple things to do and how you handled that situation –find balance and increase effectiveness
    24. When you have ethics challenges (when your honesty is put to the test),what will you do-cheating
    25.        Describe an accomplishment that you achieved outside your workplace and academics, and the steps you took to achieve it
    26.        why do you like heinz college
    27.        And how it could benefit the community when you study at CMU Heinz
    28.        为什么CMU的某一个项目会想要录你
    29.        Describe your dream job/career 
    30.        What motivate you to apply for a graduate study? 
    31.        What aspects of Heinz College interest you? 
    32.        What activities you most committed to? How does it help you in your graduate study at Heinz
    33.        Tell us which steps you've taken to prepare yourself for this program professionally and academically. 
    34.        Please give us an example of an academic or co-curricular activity that has prepared you for graduate studies at the Heinz College.Why you choose this time for a graduate study? 
    35.        As you are applying to a professional management program at the Heinz College, why are you interested inworking in the particular industries related to your program? 
    36.        Tell us which steps you've taken to prepare yourselffor this program professionally and academically.
    37.        Outside of school and work, what activity do you dedicate most of your time to? How will this help you with your graduate studies at the Heinz Coll


    1.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年3月8号

    【申请专业:信息系统管理  Master of Information Systems Management,MISM】

    1.Give an example of an academic or co-curricular activity that has prepared you for graduate studies at the Heinz College
    2.As you are applying to aprofessional management program at the Heinz College, why are you interested inworking in the particular industries related to your program?
    3.dream job/career
    4.Tell us about a time when looking into a problem from aunique or unconventional angle helped you to come up with a solution.(solutionunique angle)
    5.A significant component of the graduate school experience is team work. When have you worked with a team to build consensus? How did you go about accomplishing that end?
    6.Inteam environments, we often have difficulties with other team members. Tell uswhen you've had difficulty with a team member because their perspective orapproach may have been different than your own
    7.Tell us about a time youaddress an issue using an improved or unique method.

    2.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月21号


    1, ur dream career/job
    2, explain a multi-task situation
    3, if you want to share a meal with two people, who would that be? and why?

    3.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月18号


    1. why areyou interested in working in the particular industries related to your program?
    2. A fail project
    3. share an experience you build motivation among team members

    4.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月19号


    1. academic和professional之外,最骄傲的acheievement   
    2. 如何在团队中build motivation
    3. greatest assistance your teammates ever provided to you

    5.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月16号


    1. 选择我们这个项目而不是其他学校的项目的原因
    2. 如何同时处理多个任务
    3. 你如何用新奇的想法解决了问题

    5.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月12号


    1.tell me aninteresting thing about you which isn't shown on the application
    2.A significant component of the graduate school experience is team work. When have you worked with a team to build consensus? How did you go about accomplishing that end?
    3.如果你能和两个人共进晚餐(dead or alive),会选谁

    6.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月11号


    • 1.Besides your academic and career, which activities do you dedicate most of your time to? And how it could benefit the community when you study at CMU Heinz?
    • 2.A fail project
    • 3.What is the most innovative idea or solution that you have ever come up with?

    7.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年3月2号


    1.dream job or career
    2.how u handle the situation if a student is disrespectable to a professor
    3.an example u react quick to an important decision

    8.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月21号

    【申请专业:信息系统管理】  Kira

    1.    Give an example of an academic or co-curricular activity that has prepared you for graduate studies at the Heinz College

    2.   At the Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon University, we pride ourselves in our ability to multi-task. Tell us about a time when you had multiple things to do and how you handled that situation.

    3. Solve a problem after considering the advantages and limitations of several options.

    9.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月18号

    【申请专业:信息系统管理】  Kira

    1. Please give us an example of an academic or co-curricular activity that has prepared you for graduate studies at the Heinz College.
    2. A significant component of the graduate school experience is team work. When have you worked with a team to build consensus? How did you go about accomplishing that end?
    3. Describe a situation where you came up with an improved approach to getting work done or addressing an issue.

    10.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月23号


    1. 为什么CMU的某一个项目会想要录你(why you这样常见的问题,我之前在题库里居然没看到过)
    2. Tell us about a time when looking into a problem from aunique or unconventional angle helped you to come up with a solution.(solutionunique angle)
    3. 你如何acknowledge你的teammate的成就?

    11.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月29号


    1. The steps you have taken to prepare for your graduate study, both academically and professionally.

    2. 在Heinz你可能遇到很多需要 multitask的情况,举一个你自己handle multitask的situation
    3. Describe a situation when you identify a factor that contribute to a problem

    12.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月13号


    1. What are your motivations for applying to graduate studies at this pointof your career?
    2. Describe a situation when your ethics were challenged and how you handleit and put your honesty into test?
    3.  Give me an example of when you thought you were able to build motivationin your coworkers or peers.

    13.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月27号


    1. 在dashboard上查看你的材料是否全部都recieved了,如果完成请看下一步
    2. 在dashboard上查看你的状态是否为 complete and ready for review,如果是请看下一步
    3. 点金view application后,进入Essay(s) and Upload(s)选项,链接会在Video Interview的最底下

    14.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月19号


    1. As you are applying to aprofessional management program at the Heinz College, why are you interested inworking in the particular industries related to your program?
    2. Inteam environments, we often have difficulties with other team members. Tell uswhen you've had difficulty with a team member because their perspective orapproach may have been different than your own
    3. When you have ethics challenges (when your honesty is put to the test),what will you do?
    4. Tell us about a time youaddress an issue using an improved or unique method.

    15.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年1月16号


    1. tell me an interesting thing about you which isn't shown on the application
    2. Illustrate how you acknowledge your teammate's achievement
    3. Which assistance your teammates once provided you
    (因为卡掉了所以录了好几遍,有两三道题是针对group project/teamwork的 大家可以选择一下万能素材)
    4. Your important or proudest achievement
    5.do you once have any innovative or creative ideas

    16.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年3月6号


    1.Tell us which steps you've taken to prepare yourself for this program professionally and academically.

    2.Tell us a time in which you were in a hard situation and how you handled it.

    3.Tell us a time where you were able to identify a factor of a problem.

    4.Tell me more about your first paid job.

    5.When there's a fellow student disrespecting a professor,what will you do?

    6.Tell me a project in which you offered great help to teammates.

    17.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年2月12号


    1. Why Heinz MISM? Why not other programs?
    2. When you have ethics challenges (when your honesty is put to the test), what will you do?
    3. Any innovation solutions/ideas?

    18.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年2月13号


    1. dream job/ career
    2. how do you acknowledge accomplishments of fellow teammates
    3. situation you were able to identify a certain factor that was contributing to a problem

    19.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年2月15号


    1. how to reach consensus in a teamwork

    2.描述一次你在团队活动中帮助队友的经历/ Significantamount of work we do at the Heinz college is project work, can you tell us ofan example when you had to work with somebody and really helped them along andassisted them on the project


    4.描述一次失败的project/ tell us a project thatfailed

    5. Describe a situation where u have to do multiple tasks at a time

    6. Please tell us about a time when you hadto manage your emotions ina difficult situation.
    7. Describe when u used an improvedmethod to address a problem. /说一个你在项目中需要进行其中某一部分进行提升的经历. Improved approach to address an issue

    8. a complex problem and how to generate new approach andexplanation for the solution

    9. Tell us about a time when looking into aproblem from a unique orunconventional angle helped you to come up with a solution.

    10. Tell us the most innovative idea youhave got. / Share an experience when you solve a problem in an innovative way.

    11. share an experience of identifying a factor of aproblem./ Share a situation when you identified a factor for a problem

    12. Tell us about a situation where you hadto solve a problem weighingthe advantages and disadvantages of a number of options.

    13.为了读这个项目,做了哪些academic 和professional方面的准备?/ What prep work u have done before applying to Heinz.

    14. As you were applying to the graduateprogram to the Heinz college, what steps have you taken in your academic andprofessional life to prepare you for graduate studies?

    15. What past academic experience will help you to succeed inyour future study at Heinz

    16. Please give us an example of an academic or co-curricularactivity that has prepared you for graduate studies at the HeinzCollege.

    17. Besides your academic and career, which activitiesdo you dedicate most of your time to? And how it could benefit the communitywhen you study at CMU Heinz?

    18. Tell us what's interesting aboutyourself, that is not reflected in any other applying materials.

    19. What’s your motivation to apply?

    20. what's your motivation to go to graduate at this point /为什么在这个时间点选择读研究生

    21. Your first paid job and what you learned from it.

    22. 你的长期职业目标是什么,为什么Heinze会 fit into 这个目标?/ yourcareer plan and how heinz college help you? /描述一下你期待的工作或职业生涯

    23. Why do you like heinz college


    25. Tell us about your most meaningfulaccomplishment outside of the workplace and academics. Tell us what steps youtook to achieve this.

    26. Describe the most importantaccomplishment.


    28. Imagine a fellow student acting disrespectfully towards aprofessor. How would you handle the situation?

    29. Describe a situation where you build motivation (acknowledge)among coworkers or peers
    30. Illustrate how you acknowledgeyour teammate's achievement.

    31. A situation when your ethics were challengedand how you handle itand put your honesty into test?

    33. Tell us a time that you have to make an important decision quickly.

    20.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年1月14号


    Q1: Apart from work and study, what is the activity that you commit most to? and why?
    Q2: Tell us a time when you get assistance from your teammates
    Q3: What did you learn from your first paid job?

    20.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年1月17号


    • 1.为了读这个项目,做了哪些academic 和professional 方面的准备?
    • 2.teamwork 里面怎么achieve consensus?
    • 3.share an experience of identifying a factor of a problem

    21.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2016年12月19号


    Q1: What past academic experience will help you to succeed in your future study at Heinz
    Q2: Tell us a time you have worked and helped others
    Q3: If you could have meal with any two people, past or present, who will be and why

    22.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年1月10号


    1. 为什么在这个时间点选择读研究生
    2. 有个学生不尊重老师你会怎么处理这个情况?(难道不是none of my business,本着虚伪的原则没有说出口)
    3. 描述一个面临很多选择要比较advantage和disadvantage的情况。


    Tue May 21 15:56:28 CST 2019