
    专业排名 综合排名 学校名称 项目名称 所属院系 项目类型 学制/学分
    2 31 多伦多大学 Master of Nursing in Clinical Nursing Graduate Department of Nursing Science MN-Coursework 2-3年
    Master of Nursing in Health Systems Leadership and Administration Graduate Department of Nursing Science MN-Coursework 2-3年
    Master of Nursing in Nurse Practitioner Graduate Department of Nursing Science MN-Coursework 2-3年
    PhD in Nursing Graduate Department of Nursing Science PhD 4-6年
    37 32 麦吉尔大学 PhD in Nursing Faculty of Medicine PhD /
    PhD in Nursing — Psychosocial Oncology Faculty of Medicine PhD /
    Master of Science, Applied (M.Sc.A.) in Nursing (Non-Thesis) — Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Faculty of Medicine M.Sc.A.-Non-Thesis
    Master of Science, Applied (M.Sc.A.) in Nursing (Non-Thesis) — Neonatology Nurse Practitioner Faculty of Medicine M.Sc.A.-Non-Thesis
    Master of Science, Applied (M.Sc.A.) in Nursing (Non-Thesis) — Nursing Services Administration Faculty of Medicine M.Sc.A.-Non-Thesis
    Master of Science, Applied (M.Sc.A.) in Nursing (Non-Thesis) — Nursing Education Faculty of Medicine M.Sc.A.-Non-Thesis
    Master of Science, Applied (M.Sc.A.) in Nursing (Non-Thesis) — Global Health Direct Entry Faculty of Medicine M.Sc.A.-Non-Thesis
    Master of Science, Applied (M.Sc.A.) in Nursing (Non-Thesis) — Global Health Clinical Nurse Specialist Faculty of Medicine M.Sc.A.-Non-Thesis
    Master of Science, Applied (M.Sc.A.) in Nursing (Non-Thesis) — Direct Entry Nursing Faculty of Medicine M.Sc.A.-Non-Thesis
    Graduate Diploma in Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Faculty of Medicine G.Dip /
    Graduate Diploma in Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Faculty of Medicine G.Dip /
    Graduate Certificate in Theory in Primary Care Faculty of Medicine G.Dip /
    20 51 英属哥伦比亚大学  Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD) Faculty of Applied Science PhD  4年
    Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Faculty of Applied Science MSN-Thesis 2年
    Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Faculty of Applied Science MSN-Non-thesis 2年
    Master of Nursing - Nurse Practitioner (MN) Faculty of Applied Science MN-Coursework /
    51-100 224 皇后大学 PHCNP Dip in Nursing Faculty of Health Sciences PHCNP Dip-Coursework and clinical placement 1年
    MNSc in Nursing Faculty of Health Sciences MNSc-Coursework and thesis 2年
    Master of Nursing - Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner (MN-PHCNP) Faculty of Health Sciences MN (PHCNP)-Coursework and project 2年
    PhD in Nursing Faculty of Health Sciences PhD  4年
    17 90 阿尔伯塔大学 Master of Nursing (MN)  Faculty of Nursing MN-Thesis 2.5年
    Master of Nursing (MN)  Faculty of Nursing MN-Course-based 2.5年
    PhD in Nursing Faculty of Nursing Ph.D. 4年
    19 140 麦克马斯特大学 Graduate Diploma (G.Dip.) in Advanced Neonatal Nursing  Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Nursing G.Dip.-Course-based /
    Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Nursing Faculty of Health Sciences M.Sc.-Thesis 2年
    Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Nursing Faculty of Health Sciences M.Sc.-Course-based 2年
    Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Nursing Faculty of Health Sciences Ph.D. 4年
    Graduate Diploma (G.Dip.) in Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner Faculty of Health Sciences G.Dip.-Course-based 1年
    - 279 戴尔豪斯大学 Master of Nursing (MN) Faculty of Graduate Studies   MN 2年
    Master of Nursing/Master of Health Administration (MNHA) Faculty of Graduate Studies   MNHA-Coursework and thesis 2年
    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Nursing Faculty of Graduate Studies   PhD 4年
    41 289 渥太华大学 Doctorate in Philosophy Nursing Faculty of Health Sciences PhD 4年
    Graduate Diploma Primary Health Care for Nurse Practitioners Faculty of Health Sciences G.Dip.-coursework 1年
    Master of Science Nursing with Graduate Diploma Primary Health Care for Nurse Practitioners Faculty of Health Sciences MScN/G.Dip.-clinical option 2年
    Master of Science Nursing Faculty of Health Sciences MScN-thesis 2年
    Master of Science Nursing Faculty of Health Sciences MScN-clinical 20月
    Master of Science Nursing Specialization in Women's Studies Faculty of Health Sciences MScN-thesis 2年
    51-100 210 西安大略大学 Master of Nursing (Advanced Nursing Practice) (MN-ANP) Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing MN-Course and research practicum 3年
    Master of Nursing (Primary Health Care Nursing Practice): MN-PHCNP Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing MN-Course and research practicum 2年
    Master of Science in Nursing (MScN) Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing MScN-Research-based 2年
    PhD in Nursing Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing PhD 4-5年
    51-100 217 卡尔加里大学 Graduate Diploma in Nursing Faculty of Nursing G.Dip.-coursework and practicum 1年
    Master of Nursing (MN) Faculty of Nursing MN-thesis 2年
    Master of Nursing (MN) Faculty of Nursing MN-coursework 2年
    Master of Nursing/Nurse Practitioner (MN/NP) Faculty of Nursing MN/NP-coursework and practicum 2年
    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Nursing Faculty of Nursing PhD 4年
    - 451-460 萨斯喀彻温大学 M.N.in Nursing College of Nursing M.N.-Project and/or thesis 2年
    M.N. - Educational/Leadership College of Nursing M.N.-Course based 2年
    NP - Nurse Practitioner College of Nursing NP-Course based  2年
    P.G.D.S.C.in Nursing College of Nursing P.G.D.S.C.-Course based 2年
    Ph.D.in Nursing College of Nursing Ph.D. 4年
    - 551-600 曼尼托巴大学 M.N.in Nursing Faculty of Graduate Studies M.N.R.M.-thesis 2-4年
    Ph.D. in Nursing Faculty of Graduate Studies Ph.D. 4-6年
    - 346 维多利亚大学 MN in Nurse educator School of Nursing MN-practice-oriented and theory-based 2年
    MN in Advanced Practice Leadership School of Nursing MN-practice-oriented and theory-based  2年
    MN in Nurse practitioner School of Nursing MN-non-thesis 2年
    Master of Nursing and Master of Science in Health Informatics School of Nursing MN/MSc 3年
    PhD in Nursing School of Nursing PhD  43.5
    - - 新布伦瑞克大学 MN in Nursing Faculty of Nursing MN-Thesis 2年
    MN in Nursing Faculty of Nursing MN-Project 2年
    MN.ANP in Nursing Faculty of Nursing MN.ANP-Nurse Practitioner 2年
    - 441-450 约克大学 MScN in Nursing School of Nursing MScN-Course-based 2年
    MScN in Nursing School of Nursing MScN-Thesis 2年
    MScN in Nurse Practitioner School of Nursing MScN-Non-Theis 2年
    PhD in Nursing School of Nursing PhD 4年
    RN-MScN School of Nursing RN-MScN-Course-based 3年
    RN-MScN School of Nursing RN-MScN-Thesis 3年
    - 801-1000 瑞尔森大学 MN in Nursing Faculty of Community Services MN-Thesis 6学期
    MN in Nursing Faculty of Community Services MN-Non-Thesis 18月
    MN/PHCNP Certificate in Nursing  Faculty of Community Services MN/PHCNP-Non-Thesis 2年
    PHCNP Certificate in Nursing Faculty of Community Services PHCNP Certificate-Non-Thesis 3年
    - 651-700 温莎大学 PhD in Nursing  Faculty of Nursing PhD 4年
    MScN in Nursing Faculty of Nursing MScN-Thesis 3年
    Advanced Clinical Practice Nursing
    Nursing Leadership  
    MN in Nursing Faculty of Nursing MN-Non-Thesis 3年
    Advanced Clinical Practice Nursing
    Nursing Leadership  
    Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner (NP) 
    Graduate Diploma in Advanced Practice Oncology/Palliative Care Faculty of Nursing G.Dip.-suspended as of Fall 2017
    Graduate Diploma - Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner  Faculty of Nursing G.Dip.  
    - - 布鲁克大学 Master of Arts in Nursing Faculty of Applied Health Sciences MA-Thesis 2年
    - - 北英属哥伦比亚大学 Master of Science in Nursing (MScN) School of Nursing MScN-Thesis 2年
    Family Nurse Practitioner (MScN-FNP) School of Nursing MScN-Non-Thesis 2年
    - - 川特大学 Mental Health & Addictions Nursing G.Dip School of Graduate Studies G.Dip. 28月
    - - 爱德华王子岛大学 Master of Nursing Faculty of Nursing MScN-Thesis 36
    Master of Nursing-Nurse Practitioner stream Faculty of Nursing MScN-Non-Thesis 55
    - - 劳伦森大学 Nursing - MScN (Nurse Practitioner) College of Nurses of Ontario MScN-Non-Thesis 3年
    Nursing - MScN Nursing College of Nurses of Ontario MScN-Thesis
    - - 湖首大学 MPH in Nursing Department of Health Sciences MPH-Thesis 2年
    MPH in Nursing Department of Health Sciences MPH-Non-Thesis 2年
    MPH in Nursing with Nurse Practitioner Department of Health Sciences MPH-Thesis 2年
    MPH in Nursing with Nurse Practitioner Department of Health Sciences MPH-Non-Thesis 2年
    - - 蒙克顿大学 Maîtrise en science infirmière Faculté des sciences de la santé et des services communautaires M. Sc.-Thesis  2年
    Maîtrise en science infirmière - Infirmière ou infirmier praticien Faculté des sciences de la santé et des services communautaires M. Sc.-Non-Thesis 2年
    - - 布兰登大学 Master of Psychiatric Nursing Faculty of Graduate Studies MPN /







    Thu Jun 07 00:09:44 CST 2018