
    综合排名 学校名称 项目名称 所属院系 项目类型 学制/学分
    31 多伦多大学 MSc in Planning Department of Geography and Planning MSc-Coursework and internship  2-3年
    PhD in Planning Department of Geography and Planning PhD 4-6年
    Master of Urban Design Studies Department of Geography and Planning MUDS-Coursework 2-3年
    32 麦吉尔大学 Master of Urban Planning (M.U.P.) Urban Planning (Non-Thesis) (66 credits) Faculty of Engineering M.U.P.-Non-Thesis 66
    Master of Urban Planning (M.U.P.) Urban Planning (Non-Thesis): Transportation Planning (66 credits) Faculty of Engineering M.U.P.-Non-Thesis 66
    Master of Urban Planning (M.U.P.) Urban Planning (Non-Thesis): Urban Development and Urban Design (66 credits) Faculty of Engineering M.U.P.-Non-Thesis 66
    51 英属哥伦比亚大学 Master of Urban Design (MUD) Faculty of Applied Science MUD-Coursework + Major Project/Essay /
    Master of Arts in Planning (MAP) Faculty of Applied Science MAP-Thesis /
    Master of Arts in Planning (MAP) Faculty of Applied Science MAP-Non-thesis /
    Master of Science in Planning (MSCP) Faculty of Applied Science MSCP-Thesis /
    Master of Science in Planning (MSCP) Faculty of Applied Science MSCP-Non-thesis /
    Master of Community and Regional Planning (MCRP) Faculty of Applied Science MCRP-Coursework + Major Project/Essay /
    Doctor of Philosophy in Planning (PhD) Faculty of Applied Science PhD 4年
    224 皇后大学 M.PL.in Urban & Regional Planning Faculty of Arts and Science M.PL.-Coursework and thesis 2年
    M.PL.in Urban & Regional Planning Faculty of Arts and Science M.PL.-Coursework and research report 2年
    M.PL.in Urban & Regional Planning Faculty of Arts and Science M.PL.-Course-based 2年
    217 卡尔加里大学 Master of Planning (MPlan) Faculty of Environmental Design (EVDS) MPlan-coursework 2年
    245 西门菲莎大学 Master of Urban Studies (M.Urb) Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences M.Urb-coursework and thesis 2年
    Graduate Diploma in Urban Studies (GDUS) Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences GDUS-coursework 1年
    551-600 曼尼托巴大学 M.C.P.in City Planning Faculty of Graduate Studies M.C.P.-Coursework 2年
    Ph.D.in Design and Planning Faculty of Graduate Studies Ph.D. 4年
    152 滑铁卢大学 Planning - GDip Faculty of Environment GDip-Coursework /
    Planning - MA Faculty of Environment MA-Thesis 2年
    Planning - MES Faculty of Environment MES-Thesis 2年
    Planning - MPlan Faculty of Environment MPlan-Coursework-part-time 3.3年
    Planning - PhD Faculty of Environment PhD 4年
    491-500 贵湖大学 MSc (Planning)  Rural Planning & Development MSc-Thesis   6学期
    MSc (Planning)  Rural Planning & Development MSc-Non-Thesis  6学期
    Master of Rural Planning & Development Rural Planning & Development MPlan   3-5学期
    PhD in Rural Studies Ontario Agricultural College PhD 4年
    801-1000 瑞尔森大学 Spatial Analysis (MSA) Faculty of Arts MSA-Non-Thesis 1年
    Spatial Analysis (MSA) Faculty of Arts MSA-Thesis 16-20月
    Urban Development (MPI) Faculty of Community Services MPI 1-2年
    Post-Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning (BURPI) Faculty of Community Services Post Dip. 2年







    Wed Oct 03 20:02:27 CST 2018