

    1.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年4月21号

    【申请专业:金融工程 MFE】

    1. what is your career goal and how does ucla mfe fit in your career goal?
    2. Tell me a situation when you have worked with a team and you feel difficult to manage, how do you resolve the problem?
    3. If your colleague gives you a task that could potentially compromise your reputation in the company, what will you do?
    4. You have 2 dice and the sum of numbers is 7, what is the probability that one of the dice has number 1?
    5. [写作题] poker AKQ - 概率计算,是打字题,一副牌里随机抽3张牌,一张K一张Q一张A的概率
    6. Tell me a recent article you read about financial engineering and what it is about?

    2.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年2月16号

    【申请专业:金融工程 MFE】kira

    1 为什么想去UCLA curriculum哪里吸引你
    2 有点记不清楚了 大概是问在学习生活中有没有需要你sacrifice自己时间的情况 如何处理的
    3 Imagine a situation in which your fellow coworker was acting in a disrespectful manner towards another colleague. How would you handle this situation?

    4 求极限 lnx/x2 x趋近于无穷

    5 附件中的题
    6 what is an option

    3,学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年3月15号

    1, why MFE, why should MFE give you an offer
    2, how would you response if your superior ask for your feedback, both positive and negative
    3, how did you overcome your academic hardship when you are at school
    4, easy coding 
    5, poker AKQ 
    6, why corporate bond yield is higher than treasure bond.

    4.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年3月21号

    Q1. 为什么选择MFE,UCLA的MFE项目能给你带来什么?

    Q2. 你在毕业后的职业目标是什么?

    Q3. 如果一个项目中,你的同事对你最初的指导(instruction)有意见,但是给你安排这项任务的老板休假了,你如果处理这个情况?

    Q4. 一个积分的选择题,对LnX求广义积分,说明计算过程,是个录像题(楼主一时忘了积分微分分部积分英文怎么说了……回答的特别乱,题还是挺简单的)

    Q5. 概率计算,是打字题,一副牌里随机抽3张牌,一张K一张Q一张A的概率

    Q6. 你一般在什么渠道获取最新的金融信息(这道题楼主只能听,前一题有一个标写多少字的提示板在屏幕下面挡着看不见全题的文字,楼主应该是没听错)


    Tue Jul 02 11:47:20 CST 2019