


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】面试:KIRA

    1.What city you want to live in?

    2.Being able to learn quickly on the job is important. Tell us about a situation when you had to pick up an essential skill quickly.

    3.最 proud 的 achievement/ one of your accomplishment

    4.See yourself in 3 years

    5.Give us one example of how well you work under pressure (抗压能力)

    6.Tell me an example about how you solve problems/ describe how you go about problems.





    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】面试:KIRA

    1. favorite part of your college
    2. where will you see yourself in three years
    3. your hometown.


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1.introduce youself
    2.prioritize things/arrange your day at work
    3.communicate inappropriately
    4.make a decision when lack of information
    5.leadership experience
    6.contributions to uci
    7.short term goal and backup plan
    8.other schools you apply to
    9.how do you know our program


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】10分钟 Bryan

    1.     Intro + highlight one or two on resume
    2.     A situation when you face incomplete information
    3.     How you prioritize your work
    4.     A situation you were asked to finish something first time
    5.     How one of your internship experience (he picked) make you a better team player
    6.     应该是问了一个face chanllege 的问题
    7.     A situation you communicate improperly, what will you do when you look back
    8.     Short term goal and long term goal; why msba
    9.     What school do you apply, what will you consider when making a final decision.
    10.  Q&A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】 Burt  15分钟

    • 1.自我介绍
    • 2.如何决定priority
    • 3.沟通不顺的经历
    • 4.怎么学习新知识的
    • 5.STplan
    • 6.Backup plan
    • 7.contribution to UCI
    • 8.申请的其他学校,择校时考虑的因素
    • 9.怎么知道我们的项目
    • 10.我问了下2018的classsize为74, 2019可能要招100人左右


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  20min

    1. 过一遍Resume
    2. 问了我通过实习有哪些改变
    3. 对我们的项目怎样看的
    4. 长期和短期的职业目标
    5. 当有很多任务的时候怎么安排
    6. 申请的其他学校,怎样考虑的
    7. 问他一些问题,我问了class size,今年继续扩招,还问了就业情况,大部分是留在加州


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】  Burt 21min

    1.Introduce yourself
    2.A situation you communicate improperly, how would you do after this experience
    3.Last project you did
    4.Contributions to UCI/our program, how do you think you match with our program
    5.Short-term goals(说了想在美国找工作). If you didn't find a job, what's the backup plan
    6.Other school you applied, how will you make decision. 


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Burt

    1. Introduce your self. (本来以为他要问我 Resume 上的问题,结果是要我自己开始讲,小尴尬  自介有讲 why MSBA)
    2. What is your strength? (回答了学业上的) Other strength? (回答了社交技巧上的)
    3. Think about a successful person.
    4. Conflict during team work.
    5. Why UCI?(回答了三个 reason,这题做了很多功课,他看起来很认同  其中提到现在的 Supervisor 是 Merage 毕业的,「Supervisor 跟我说 Merage 的 Culture 是 ....blablabla....」,Burt 好像很喜欢这个回答,在回馈我这题跟后面几题的时候一直提到我的 Supervisor & Culture of Merage~ 在这题一并讲了我的 dream job / dream company)
    6. What can UCI help you professionally? (还是 personally,忘了)
    7. What do you plan to do after graduation? (講了更多 dream company 那個职位的 requirements,我能力还没达标的地方等等的)
    8. (承上题) So you want to stay in the States? (这题一并讲了 Plan B。Burt 说虽然 USA 就业竞争激烈,但是他们的 Career Center 真的很用心帮大家准备,从每学期一次的 Seminar 讲到我在前面 "Why UCI?" 那题有提过的 one-on-one counselor 等等的,他真的很认真听我说 )
    9. What other schools did you apply? (讲了学校 & 原因)
    10. How will you choose between these schools?  (答:靠近 LA or New York City & Career Center Service)
    11. Q&A. 问了 Burt 两个问题,他答了超级多,一度听到出神


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Ashley 22分钟

    1. work through your resume

    2. Internship experience?

    3. teamwork experience?

    4. What would you do if you disagree with other team members?

    5. experience you most proud of?

    6. what do you do for fun?

    7. how do your past experiences help you achieve success in the program?

    8. Tell me a time you have to make decisions that you had no prior experience of?


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Ashley 30分钟

    1.walk through your resume
    2.why msba?
    5.如果你作为一个team member能为Merage带来什么?
    6.where do you want to work at after finishing the program
    7.what other school did you apply?如果都给你offer了你选哪个
    8.how msba can help you professionally
    9.what to do for fun
    10.any information that they do not know yet?
    11.any question?

    11.学生背景:211财经 gpa84 103 325 三段实习(某flag+vc+小创业项目);面试时间:2018年1月26号

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    • Three words to describe you by your friends?
    • Role model/ who are your role models and why?
    • Tell us about your most satisfying and most disappointing experiences
    • Your advantages over other candidates/Weakness
    • 你近期 headed up的一个 program


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Ashley Ramirez

    1.walk through resume;
    2.Gap year 干了啥;
    4.disagreement with mentor/boss, what did you do;
    5.3 words your friends describe you;
    6.Why msba?
    7.哪里听说的Merage,why merage?
    8.short term goal? 楼主说想进暴雪,Ashley还问Are you a gamer?然后就几个游戏又聊了一些
    9.long term goal?
    10.other schools you applied;
    11.anything else they do not know;


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Burt 20分钟

    1.Introduce yourself(回答的时候有说为什么要读MSBA)
    2.How do you prioritize your day
    3.How do you learn new knowledge (说了因为要学ba所以在data camp学python)
    4.How to deliver bad news(这个没有准备到......没有经验不是很会答)
    5.Leadership experience
    6.Other schools you applied, how do you decide,any offer and scholarship received
    7.Short-term goal
    8.What can you bring to UCI

    14.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年1月27号   已录

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    1.What accomplishment are you most proud of
    2.Describe one time that you had to prioritize your responsibility
    3.Tell me about a time when you worked on a process, and you made a suggestion to make the process a lot more efficient
    4.Where do you see yourself in three years
    5.Tell us about your most satisfying and most disappointing experiences
    6.Describe your leadership style
    7.News skills learned last year
    8.Being able to learn quickly on the job is important. Tell us about a situation when you had to pick up an essential skill quickly. 
    9.Tell me about a time when you were faced with an ethical dilemma. What did you do


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Asheley

    1. go over resume*
    2.Why uci *
    3. Why msba*
    4.one accomplishment that you are most proud of(之前看也有人被问两个成就的,还是最好准备两个,以免冷场)
    5. where do you want to work at after finish the program?
    6. where do you consider yourself in 10 years?
    7.successful person(说的马云爸爸。。)
    9.other school? 如果同时被录取会怎么选,选择标准是什么(送分题,当然是面哪个项目就选哪个项目了)
    10.conflict in the team(Asheley问我的原话是如果组里有人消极怠工,如何处理 )
    11.what can you bring to uci?
    12.what to do for fun


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Ashley

    1. resume(最突出的)问我去年几月份离职(好细致)

    2. accomplishment most proud of (说了俩)
    3. successful person
    4. great strengths
    5. why msba
    6. why uci
    7. other school,原因
    8. where do you want to work,问了具体哪一个公司
    9. what can you bring to uci
    10. what do you do for fun
    11. merage 的 organization 和 club(介绍了一堆clubs可我没听懂),有哪些有兴趣想加入的
    12. conflict in the team,怠工
    13. 3 words teamates decribing me 
    14. 如果能回到过去你想改变啥?
    15. 还有什么东东想告诉她
    16. 有啥想问她


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】

    1.What city you want to live in?
    2.Being able to learn quickly on the job is important. Tell us about a situation when you

    had to pick up an essential skill quickly.

    3.最 proud 的 achievement/ one of your accomplishment

    4.See yourself in 3 years

    5.Give us one example of how well you work under pressure 抗压能力

    6.Tell me an example about how you solve problems/ describe how you go about problems.

    18.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2019年4月23号   已录+  1w5奖

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Burt  20分钟

    1.Introduce yourself(回答的时候有说为什么要读MSBA)
    2.How do you prioritize your day
    3.How do you learn new knowledge (说了因为要学ba所以在data camp学python)
    4.How to deliver bad news(这个没有准备到......没有经验不是很会答)
    5.Leadership experience
    6.Other schools you applied, how do you decide,any offer and scholarship received
    7.Short-term goal
    8.What can you bring to UCI


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    1.What motivates you to be successful? 
    2.your ideal day 
    3.Tell me about a time when you worked on a process, and you made a suggestion to make that process a lot more efficient.
    4.new skills learned last year/

    5.这个我网断了,刷新之后是where do you see yourself in 10 years.


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Burt

    1. introduce yourself
    2. what will you do if there is a conflict in your team
    3. what will you do if your friends show you the answers of the exam (这个没有准备到。。)
    4. think about a successful person
    5. what is your strength
    6. why UCI
    7. why it is a good time to pursue MSBA
    8. what do you plan to do after graduation
    9. other schools applied
    10. what can uci help you personally
    11. Q&A


    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】kira

    1. the city you grow up
    2. the skills you have learned over the last year
    3. where you see yourself in 3 years
    4. how do you solve a problem, give an example
    5. describe your ideal day

    22.学生背景:不详;面试时间:2018年2月9号   已录

    【申请专业:商业分析硕士(M. S. in Business Analysis)】Burt 22分钟

    1. self introduction
    2. strengths
    3. future plan, 没问想留美还是回国。。
    4. disagreement in teamwork
    5. why uci
    6. why right now is the time for you to choose ba
    7. successful person
    8. other schools
    9. what can uci help u personally? 是 personally 不是 professionally
    10. 忘了,关于他人的建议,怎么make decision? 胡诌了几句求不凉
    11. Q&A


    Fri May 10 09:18:35 CST 2019