

    1.不详 2015年11月19日 

    【申请专业:Master of Professional Accountancy,缩写:M.PAc】


    1. Briefly introduce yourself

    2. Why would you like to earn graduate degree in accounting?

    3. Why UC Davis

    4. your long-term and short-term goal

    5. Describe a time when you had a chance to delegate responsibilities

    6. Describe a time when you faced an ethical dilemma. How did you deal withthat?

    7. describe one of your biggest achievement

    8. why we should choose you over other equally qualified candidates, 说自己有什么skills和经历让学校录你。Why would yoube an asset to the MPAc program? What skills and experiences do you feel haveprepared you for admission to this program?

    9. what do you do out of class

    10. talk about the biggest risk you have taken and outcome

    11. What do you feel is your greatest personal asset? What is a somethingyou want to improve upon?

    12. Imagine yourself on a team. What would be your ideal role, and why wouldthat position be the most suitable for you?

    13. What challenges do you expect to face while attending graduate school? Howwill you handle these?   

    14. How would your friends describe you in three words?

    15. 如果你的team出现了conflictingopinion,你会怎么办If you had conflicting opinions on a team project,what strategy would you use to resolve the difference?

    16. 如果让你选择读一个人的biography,你会选择谁

    17. Please share three things you would like the admissions committee toknow about your background.

    18. What do you consider to be the most important developments in the fieldof accounting over the past ten years?

    19. 如果没有限制没有束缚,你想如何去生活,是工作还是其它。

    20. Describe a time when you felt uncomfortable in a new environment. Howdid you adapt?

    21. 你觉得什么事情是你想去做但是有什么东西阻碍你,你怎么解决的

    22. 讲一件自己曾经willingvolunteered去做的事,并说明是什么地方有趣,为什么有趣。 

    2.不详 2015年11月18日 

    【申请专业:Master of Professional Accountancy,缩写:M.PAc】


    1. Give us an example of one thing that you have done in the past year to improve yourself, personally, professionally or otherwise

    2. When have you had to delegate responsibility?

    3. What is the best constructive criticism you have received? (共同遇到的题)

    4. What strategies have you used to inspire a team whose motivation was flagging?

    5. Do you feel your academic record accurately reflects your ability and potential?

    6. Describe a time when you show tenacity

    7. What challenges will you face in graduate school and how will you handle them?

    8. Describe a time when you have to rely on your team member

    3.不详 2015年11月18日 

    【申请专业:Master of Professional Accountancy,缩写:M.PAc】




    2.讲一件自己曾经willing volunteered去做的事,并说明是什么地方有趣,为什么有趣


    4.说一个conflict with a group member


    4.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年4月28日 

    【申请专业:Master of Professional Accountancy,缩写:M.PAc】  Kira

    1. career goal long term+short term
    2. 当团队flagging时候怎么办
    3. 你收到最constructive criticism是什么
    4. 描述一个你volunteering 去做的事情,为什么有趣
    5. 如何multitasking

    5.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年10月30日 

    【申请专业:Master of Professional Accountancy,缩写:M.PAc】  Kira

    1. What do you feel is your greatest personal asset? What is a something you want to improve upon?

    2. Please describe a time when you had a conflict with a group member. How did you handle it? What was the outcome.

    3. What do you think a team leader should be like

    4.说一个你had to exhibit tenacity(坚韧性)的经历

    5. 简历和PS上没有提到的事情

    6.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年1月26日 

    【申请专业:Master of Professional Accountancy,缩写:M.PAc】

    1.Short termand long term goal.
    2.讲一件自己曾经willing volunteered去做的事,并说明是什么地方有趣,为什么有趣
    3.Describe a time when you felt uncomfortable ina new environment. How did you adapt?
    5.  What challenges doyou expect to face while attending graduate school? How will you handle these?

    7.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2015年11月19日 

    【申请专业:Master of Professional Accountancy,缩写:M.PAc】

    • 1.Briefly introduce yourself

    • 2.Why would you like to earn graduate degree in accounting?

    • 3.Why UC Davis

    • 4.your long-term and short-term goal

    • 5.Describe a time when you had a chance to delegate responsibilities

    • 6.Describe a time when you faced an ethical dilemma. How did you deal withthat?

    • 7.describe one of your biggest achievement

    • 8.why we should choose you over other equally qualified candidates, 说自己有什么skills和经历让学校录你。Why would yoube an asset to the MPAc program? What skills and experiences do you feel haveprepared you for admission to this program?

    • 9.what do you do out of class

    • 10.talk about the biggest risk you have taken and outcome

    • 11.What do you feel is your greatest personal asset? What is a somethingyou want to improve upon?

    • 12.Imagine yourself on a team. What would be your ideal role, and why wouldthat position be the most suitable for you?

    • 13.What challenges do you expect to face while attending graduate school? Howwill you handle these?   

    • 14.How would your friends describe you in three words?

    • 15.如果你的team出现了conflictingopinion,你会怎么办If you had conflicting opinions on a team project,what strategy would you use to resolve the difference?

    • 16.如果让你选择读一个人的biography,你会选择谁

    • 17.Please share three things you would like the admissions committee toknow about your background.

    • 18.What do you consider to be the most important developments in the fieldof accounting over the past ten years?

    • 19.如果没有限制没有束缚,你想如何去生活,是工作还是其它。

    • 20.Describe a time when you felt uncomfortable in a new environment. Howdid you adapt?

    • 21.你觉得什么事情是你想去做但是有什么东西阻碍你,你怎么解决的

    • 22.讲一件自己曾经willingvolunteered去做的事,并说明是什么地方有趣,为什么有趣。

    8.学生背景:985本科 会计专业;G700 免托福 GPA 3.8;三个会计相关实习及其他校园工作,一个志愿者活动;奖学金等荣誉若干 面试时间:2018年12月18日   已录

    【申请专业:Master of Professional Accountancy,缩写:M.PAc】sarah  20分钟

    1. weakness & strength
    2. achievement, personal或者academics 
    3. 楼主是美本,就问了一下在大学的生活体验收获啥的……
    4. Q&A

    9.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年1月26日   

    【申请专业:Master of Professional Accountancy,缩写:M.PAc】   kira

    1. tell us a time when you have to ehibit tenacity
    2. short-term and long-term professional goals
    3. 一次在困难情形下领导团队的经历(大概是,记不清了)
    4. 认为自己有哪些是skills and experieences能够help you in your admission
    5. 如果录取了,自己认为会遇到哪些挑战
    6. 收到过的最好的constructive criticism
    7. 曾经面临什么ethical dilemma

    10.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年1月25日   

    【申请专业:Master of Professional Accountancy,缩写:M.PAc】kira

    1 How do you define success?
    2 Three characters that you think is important for leaderships[大概就是这个意思,就是你觉得take leadership role最重要的三个品格是啥]
    3 Describe a time/situation when you feel uncomfortable
    4 What do you think is the most important character for a team.
    5 greatest accomplishment

    11.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年2月13日   

    【申请专业:Master of Professional Accountancy,缩写:M.PAc】


    12.学生背景:penn state accounting major  gpa 3.52 gmat730 水实习2个 面试时间:2018年2月17日   

    【申请专业:Master of Professional Accountancy,缩写:M.PAc】sarah

    1. 3个优点 
    2. 3个缺点
    3. personal和professional的accomplishments -这个问题我很懵逼 瞎说一通
    4. 其他申请的学校 选学校看中什么

    13.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年12月5日   

    【申请专业:Master of Professional Accountancy,缩写:M.PAc】kira


    14.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年12月9日   已录

    【申请专业:Master of Professional Accountancy,缩写:M.PAc】kira

    1. Tell us one thing you improved yourself, personally, professionally or otherwise. (没见过,新题)

    2. What sets you apart from other applicants?

    3. Describe a time when you felt uncomfortable in a new environment. How did you adapt?

    4. 你帮助别人完成一个project,虽然本来并不是你的工作

    5. Do you feel your academic record accurately reflect your ability and potentials?

    15.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年6月23日   

    【申请专业:Master of Professional Accountancy,缩写:M.PAc】

    1 比较困难的一次领导力的经验
    2 What strategy did you use to motivate your team when they were flagging?
    3 帮助做一个不是分内的事 
    4 short-term and long-term goal
    5 academic record 可不可以反映一个人的ability


    Fri May 24 17:59:34 CST 2019