

    1.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2014年3月21号 已拒

    【申请专业:MSM 管理】Jeffery  36分40秒

    1.Based on your investigation on the entrepreneurship of CUMT, what do you believe are the qualities needed to be a successful entrepreneur?

    2.As a team leader, can you tell me about a time when a plan didn’t work out or a team did not work well together. What did you do in that situation?

    3.At Dezhou Dazheng Accounting firm, what was a project that you could have done better?

    4.Why did you do fundraising for Shanzi Shijiatian primary school?

    5.What does honesty mean to you?

    6.Why should we admit you into the MSM program at UF?

    7.Do you have any questions for me at this time?


    Fri May 10 14:06:25 CST 2019