

    1. 学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年3月25号


    1. Why study finance at UCL?
    2. Where do you see yourself 3 years after graduation from UCL?
    3. Your math and econometrics background? Be specific.
    4. What is the financial consequence of Brexit on UK, EU and the rest of the world? 这题想说的太多结果没说完就没时间了T T
    5. One main hobbie?
    6. One reason why UCL should accept you?

    2. 学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月25号


    1. why study finance in UCL
    2. where do you see yourself professionally after 3 years. 
    3. math and econometric background. Please specify every module you take that is related to math and econometric.
    4. What is the financial consequence of Brexit on UK, Europe, and the rest of the world in the following 3-5 years. 
    5. One main hobby
    6. ONE reason why UCL should accept you.

    3. 学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年1月11号


    1. Why MSc finance?
    2. What is the hardest part in your degree? What did you do to complete it?
    (这道题没太懂,本来以为问的是这个finance program最难的部分,但是第二问又说what did you do,于是lz回答了undergraduate studies中觉得最难的部分。感觉答的不太好TAT)
    3. What is your dream job?
    4. Where do you see yourself after five years?
    5. How can you add value to this program? Give an example
    6. The module you are most interested in
    7. Give two reasons of why we should accept you


    Tue Apr 23 16:45:39 CST 2019